Labels-What They Do & How To Use Them

Labels-What They Do & How To Use Them

Page Labels

Labels are key words or tags that you can add to Pages. You can define your own labels and use them to categorize and identify Page content in Confluence. You can add or remove labels without affecting the page content.

There are two types of Labels in Confluence that can be used to tag Pages:

  1. Global labels are available to all users across the site. Once a Global label has been added, any user with permission to view a page can also view its labels. Any user with permission to <Edit> a page can add a global label to a page. For example, the term "labels" has been added to this page as a Global label; therefore, it will show up for everyone and can be entered in the Search field at the top of any Confluence Page. 
  2. Personal labels are only available to the user that created them. Any user with 'view' permission can add a Personal label to a page. Personal labels start with 'my:'; For example, to enter a label which only you can see (private), type "my:" followed by the key word, e.g., my:label-help. Only you will be able to see that Personal label "label-help."  

For certain pages in this Wiki site (e.g., this Help space), registered users may not have been granted <Editing> permission; therefore, you will not be able to create Global labels; however, you are certainly welcome to add Personal labels to the extent that they help you locate and browse content of interest.

  • Although Global labels work in the Search field (see top of page), for Personal labels, you must use the Browse/Labels command (top Wiki menu).
  • To delete a label that you have created, go to the "Labels:" area of the page and click the pencil icon as though you were going to add a new label. Labels that you have created will be listed and you will see an "x" next to each one. Click on the "x" and that label will be removed. 

Advantages of Labels

Here are some of the advantages of using Labels:

  • Personal labels can come in handy when you want to tag a page but don't necessarily want to share that key word with everyone.
  • You can add as many Personal labels as you like to a Page for which you have View permission.
  • You can group Pages logically (as you would like to view them) without having to restructure portions of site.
  • Labels are easy to add and edit and they do not affect the actual content of the page.
  • Global labels can be used to filter information during a Search.
  • The RSS Feed Builder allows you to create a news feed based on labels.