OSC Constituency Operations Team Meeting Notes

OSC Constituency Operations Team Meeting Notes

Subject: OSC Constituency Operations Team Meeting Notes
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Summary: 27 March 2009, 1300 UTC Primary Team Members in Attendance: Olga Cavalli - Nominating Committee Appointee Rafik Dammak - Non-Commercial Users Constituency Claudio DiGangi - Intellectual Property Interests Constituency Chuck Gomes - gTLD Registries Constituency S.S. Kshatriya - Individual (India) Hector Ariel Manoff - Intellectual Property Interes...
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27 March 2009, 1300 UTC

Primary Team Members in Attendance:

  • Olga Cavalli - Nominating Committee Appointee
  • Rafik Dammak - Non-Commercial Users Constituency
  • Claudio DiGangi - Intellectual Property Interests Constituency
  • Chuck Gomes - gTLD Registries Constituency
  • S.S. Kshatriya - Individual (India)
  • Hector Ariel Manoff - Intellectual Property Interests Constituency
  • Krista Papac - Registrar c.
  • Michael Young - gTLD Registries Constituency

ICANN Staff in attendance:

  • Julie Hedlund - Policy Consultant
  • Robert Hoggarth - Senior Policy Director
  • Glen de Saint Géry - GNSO Secretariat


1. Call to order/roll call

2. Review agenda

3. Announce results of leadership poll (J. Hedlund)

Poll Results:

Total votes = 9

For Chair: Olga Cavalli - 6 votes; Krista Papac - 3 votes

For Vice-Chair: Michael Young - 6 votes; S.S.Kshatriya - 2 votes; Rafik Dammak - 1 vote

Results:Chair - Olga Cavalli; Vice-Chair: Michael Young

4. Discuss schedule for recurring meetings

  • Next meeting, 10th April.Every two weeks thereafter.

5. Discuss draftWork Team charter

The team discussed and agreed to the following changes:

  • Minor edits to two sub-bullets in Section I Team Charter/Goals under "Enhance existing constituencies"
  • Change the title of Section II to "Team Membership Guidelines"
  • In Section II, #2 change the number of councillors from "three" to "four"
  • In Section II add #8 describing the election and duties of the chair/vice-chair
  • Change the title of Section III to "Work Team Rules and Procedures"
  • In Section III minor textual changes to the Statements of Interest section
  • In Section III, Decision Making, changes to the description of Rough Consensus and Strong Support two make these more precise; change "Minority viewpoints" to "No majority position"
  • In Section III, Restricting participation, Recordkeeping, and Milestones: minor textual changes
  • Change the title of Section VI to "Action Items and Deliverables"
  • In Section VI replace action items with a revised "list of preliminary deliverables" as follows: 1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair; 2. Schedule for recurring meetings; 3. WT Charter; 4. Regular Reports to the OSC (at least biweekly); 5. Identification of Key Projects; 6. Work Plan; 7. Calendar; and 8. Final Implementation Plan
  • In Section VI append the checklist table of suggested projects and subtasks

6. Team Membership

  • After some discussion, the team determined that it meets the guidelines in the charter for team membership; although the team does not have representatives from the ALAC and GAC, both groups were invited to send representatives.
  • Agreed that the team should strive to keep the membership balanced in its representation.
  • It was noted that some OSC team members may be on too many committees, which may prevent them from being active.
  • Michael Young suggested that wording could be added to the charter to define the roles of "active" versus "non-active" members.He agreed to suggest language.
  • Chuck Gomes noted that in the case of working groups the Board recommended moving away from voting and to a rough consensus model as described in Section II Work Team Rules and Procedures.Olga Cavalli noted that this is the best way to work with a group that is not too large.

7. Discuss Action Items and Deliverables

  • Olga noted that it would be useful to have background documents concerning current constituency participation rules and operating procedures to assist the Work Team in its task to "Enhance existing constituencies by developing recommendations on constituency participation rules, operating principles, and database of members."Rob Hoggarth agreed to send to the teambackground information regarding existing GNSO constituencies.
  • Chuck noted that this particularly work team will be dependent on constituency input, but that the team needs to be sensitive to constituencies - we can't tell them what they should be doing but there are some common elements that should be true for all constituencies.
  • Olga added that the team's challenge is to define a base group of information or best practices that any constituency could follow.
  • S.S.Kshatriyasuggested that the team could develop questionnaires to send to constituencies and use the information gathered to develop guidelines.
  • Rob said that the ICANN staff had sent out a questionnaire to constituencies at the end of 2008 and promised to circulate the results to the team.
  • After discussion of the prioritization of its tasks based on the Board's recommendations, as described in the draft checklist the team decided to develop draft work plans for the subtasks of the "enhancing constituencies" task while considering whether also to begin work on an outreach plan.Olga, Michael, and Julie agreed to develop a draft work plan for the team to consider.
  • Chuck emphasized that it would be helpful to reach out to the new constituencies to see if they want to send representatives to work with the team.Rob and Julie agreed to initiate this effort.
  • The work team also agreed that those team members who are representing constituencies should act as liasons to communicate the activities of the team with their membership.

8. Action Items:

1. Review the revised charter and provide comments or edits.

2. Review background information regarding existing GNSO constituencies.

3. ICANN staff to assist in reachingout to new constituencies to see if they want to send representatives to work with the team.

4. Vote on the revised charter including the priority of tasks and implementation plan at the meeting on April 10.

5. Develop draft work plan for the subtasks of the "enhancing constituencies" task.

6. Chair and Vice-Chair provide biweekly reports to the OSC.

Meeting adjourned at 1400 UTC