OSC Special Focus Teams
Subject: OSC Special Focus Teams
From: guest@socialtext.net
Date: 2011-03-24 05:54:45 GMT
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Summary: Special Focus Team GNSO OSC SPECIAL FOCUS TEAMS * The text below was created prior to the Paris ICANN Meeting. It may offer a good starting point for discussions of the new Operations Steering Committee (OSC) .* Note: Unlike the other proposed GNSO Improvement Project working teams that specifically relate to one, identified broad topic, this is a ...
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Special Focus Team
*The text below was created prior to the Paris ICANN Meeting. It may offer a good starting point for discussions of the new Operations Steering Committee (OSC).*
Note: Unlike the other proposed GNSO Improvement Project working teams
that specifically relate to one, identified broad topic, this is a
general category of teams envisioned to involve multiple teams for
different and smaller projects.The idea of establishing this category
of teams is to facilitate a means of utilizing GNSO volunteers with
specific expertise or interest to work with ICANN staff on particular
GNSO improvement recommendations that are not covered by one the major
working teams.For example, the Operations Steering Committee could
decide to establish one special focus team for GNSO website redesign
and a totally separate team for investigating and recommending project
management tools.The question about what special focus teams should be
formed is intentionally left open for later decisions on an as needed
basis and therefore the following is simply a template for creating a
charter for any such teams that are initiated.
GNSO (insert special project name) SPECIAL FOCUS TEAM
Reference: ICANN Board Governance Committee Working Group (BGC-WG) 3 February 2008 Report to the ICANN Board of Directors (see, GNSO Improvements Report;)
Description of BGC-WG recommendation(s):
Primary goals:
Primary gnsotest:tasks(c1|https://st.icann.org/static/]:
The specific mechanisms for participation on the team are yet to be
determined, but ideally the team will be composed of participants drawn
from the GNSO council, the GNSO constituencies and the larger
ICANN/Internet community who have expertise and/or interest in the
relevant special project.
It is recommended that:
- Each Constituency, Advisory Committee be given the opportunity to have a representative (or representatives) on the team
- NomCom Councilors be given the opportunity to volunteer for the team or to recommend a third party to participate
- It NOT be required that there be a minimum of one team member from each Constituency or Advisory Committee of from the group of NomCom Councilors, although that would be fine if there are volunteers from each of these groups
- Members from the community who are not associated with a Constituency or Advisory Committee (other than NomCom appointed Councilors) be given the opportunity to volunteer for the team
- Participation by team members on other teams should be minimized if not totally avoided so as to: * Spread the total GNSO Improvements Project workload across a wider group of people * Minimize scheduling conflicts that are more likely to occur when team members are involved in multiple groups at the same time * Encourage involvement by new community members.
Set forth below are a number of potential action steps necessary to establish and begin the work of the Special Focus Team.
1.Confirm Charter/Goals of team with the Operations Steering Committee
2.Formation of Special Focus Team:
- Announce commencement of process
- Solicit and provide appropriate opportunities for public comments on the formulation and potential operating procedures of the team.
- Invite and recruit team members
- Schedule initial team meeting
- Prepare and circulate preparation materials for initial meeting
3.Initial team meeting/correspondence:
- Draft guidelines for operation of the team,
- Develop and agree on a timeline for completion of draft team principles, rules and procedures.
- Set up an email/contact list of all team members.
- Discuss/confirm ground rules
- Define roles of team members, Council, staff, and the Operations Steering Committee
- Formulate standard check sheet for each decision (e.g., ask are by-law changes necessary)
- Identify and define public comment opportunities
- Announce comment opportunities, collect comments and openly discuss various ideas, recommendations and suggestions.
4.Subsequent team meetings:
- Review, discuss and consider recommendations and proposed action items provided by GNSO Improvements Report, community/public comments and staff implementation notes
- Consistent reporting mechanisms regarding progress
Key milestones:
Project timetable:
may include tasks such as but not limited to the following: 1)
developing a proposed implementation plan; 2) serving in a consultant
role during implementation; 3) performing follow-on review role after
recommendations are implemented.
Internal OSC Wiki Links:
Operations Steering Committee (OSC)
gnsotest:)(OSC Communications Team