6. Work Teams
The OSC established three separate teams to take on the work of each of the three operational areas described above. The OSC serves as the coordinating body for these separate work teams.
For further details click on the links below for each Work Team:
1. GNSO Operations Work Team - Home
Develop a proposal for Council consideration on GNSO operations related recommendations. Recommendations considered from the BGC WG Report include:
• Determine what steps are needed to establish the role of the Council as a "strategic manager of the policy process."
• Define and develop scope and responsibilities of any other standing "committees" as recommended by the BGC WG (those suggested to date: committee to analyze trends; committee to benchmark policy implementation)
• Develop "Statement of Interest" and "Declaration of Interest" forms.
• Develop curriculum for training Council members, constituents, facilitators and others.
• Prepare clear rules for the establishment of new constituencies within stakeholder groups, while recognizing that differences exist between stakeholder groups and constituencies.
• Review and recommend amendments as appropriate regarding methods for encouraging, promoting and introducing new constituencies, while recognizing that differences exist between stakeholder groups and constituencies.
2. GNSO Stakeholder Group and Constituency Operations Work Team - Home
Develop a proposal to implement recommendations focused on enhancing constituency and stakeholder group operations. Recommendations considered from the BGC WG Report include:
• Develop a global outreach program to broaden participation in current constituencies.
• Enhance existing constituencies by developing recommendations on the following:
o Develop a set of top-level participation guidelines based on the principles as defined in the GNSO recommendations, while recognizing differences between constituencies and that one size may not fit all constituencies.
o develop a "tool kit" of basic administrative, operational and technical services available to all constituencies
3. Communications and Coordination Work Team - Home
Develop a proposal to improve communication and coordination for Council consideration. Recommendations considered from the BGC WG Report include:
• Improve the GNSO's web site
• Improve the GNSO's document management capacity
• Improve the GNSO's ability to solicit meaningful public comments on its work
• Improve the GNSO's coordination with other ICANN structures.