1. Meetings

1. Meetings

This is a list of the current and previous meetings of the Operations Steering Committee.

Next Meeting: None scheduled at this time.

Previous Meeting Agendas and Notes:

05 December 2010, Cartagena, Colombia 9:00 to 10:00 am (1400 UTC/0600 PST/0900 EST), Barahona 2 room: 

Documents for Discussion: CSG Global Outreach Recommendations , GNSO Operating Procedures Section 5 , GNSO Operating Procedures v2 05 August 2010

Brief Notes and Transcript


1. GNSO Council Operations Team (GCOT) outstanding items

-Section 5 DOI and SOI follow-up to council vote

2. Constituency Stakeholder Group (CSG) outstanding items

-Global outreach program recommendations

3. GNSO Council Operating Procedures Elections, Absentee Voting, and Abstentions

-Section 2.2 Officer Elections: Chair and Vice-Chair
-Section 4.4 and 4.5 Absentee Voting and Abstentions


19 June 2010, Brussels, Belgium (See Meeting Notes and Audiocast)


1. GNSO Council Operations Team
-outstanding items in the revision process of GNSO operating procedures (GOP)
(may include Section 3.8 and Section 4 )
Discussion and approval.

2. Consolidation of revised GNSO operating procedures manual based on OSC and PSC work
-information from ICANN staff (Julie Hedlund or Ken Bour)

3. Constituency Stakeholder Group (CSG)
-Task 1 Recommendations to enhance constituency and stakeholder groups
Discussion and adoption of report (subtask 1, 2,3) See Link to Document

4. Constituency Stakeholder Group (CSG)
-Task 2 Global outreach programme to broaden participation in current constituencies
Report from Olga Cavalli or Debbie Hughes on progress due 1 July 2010

5. AOB


05 January 2009


1.     Welcome

  1. Roll call
  2. Agenda approval
  3. OSC Charter Approval by Council # Chuck submitted a motion to the Council for approval of the OSC charter on 30 Dec 08. # See the 22 Dec 08 draft Charter on the home page of the OSC wiki.
  4. Any further discussion of draft work team charters? # Rob distributed these on 22 Dec. # Work team rules? # Statements of interests? # Interim chairs were added in draft charters?

o   GNSO Operations Work Team - Ken Stubbs (RyC)

o   Constituency/Stakeholder Group Operations Work Team - Olga Cavalli (NomCom Appointee)

o   Communications Work Team - Mason Cole (RrC)

  1. Message to solicit work team members for the three work teams.

o   Rob sent draft to OSC list on 22 Dec.

o    On 30 Dec 08, Chuck sent Jeff Newman, PPSC chair, a copy of the draft invitation message and Jeff distributed it to the PPSC list for comment.

  1. Action items for next meeting.

o   If not already done, send final invitation to OSC & PPSC lists, Council list, etc.

o   NextMeeting (if needed): Monday, 19 Jan 09, 14:00 UTC (06:00 PST, 09:00 EST, 12:00 Buenos Aires, 14:00 London, 15:00 CET)

8.     AOB


22 December 2008


1. Welcome
2. Roll call
3. Agenda approval
4. Finalize draft work team charters in preparation for work team review.

  • Work team rules
  • Statements of interests
  • Edits from last meeting and list input
  • Links to draft charters
  • Other?
  • Should we name the interim chairs in draft charters?

5. Finalize message to GNSO Council to solicit work team members for the three work teams.

  • Steve's list suggestion
  • Other?
  • Coordination with PPSC
  • Links to draft charters
  • Should we name the interim chairs in draft charters?

6. Action items for next meeting.

  • Send final invitation to OSC & PPSC lists, Council list, etc.

7. Next Meeting: Monday, 5 Jan 09, 14:00 UTC (06:00 PST, 09:00 EST, 12:00 Buenos Aires, 14:00 London, 15:00 CET)
8. AOB


15 December 2008


  1. Welcome
  2. Roll call
  3. Agenda approval
  4. ALAC and GAC OSC rep status.
  5. Regular meeting days/time

o   Did everyone respond to the Doodle for Monday's at 15:00 UTC?  Will this work: Mondays at 15:00 UTC (16:00 CET; 15:00 GMT; 13:00 Buenos Aires 10:00 EST; 0900 CST; 0600 PST)? Is everyone okay with a meeting next Monday, 22 Dec 08, if needed? We will not meet on Monday, 29 Dec 08. Is everyone okay with a meeting on Monday, 5 Jan 09? Hopefully we can start meeting no more often than biweekly after that? If so, would it matter if we meeting biweekly starting on 5 Jan or 12 Jan?

o   Confirm finalization of OSC charter and distribution to the Council.

o   Finalize draft work team charters in preparation for work team review. # Issues raised on the OSC email list: Should we add a recommendation that there be at least 2 OSC members on each work team?

o   Who on the OSC will volunteer to join the work teams?

o   GNSO Operations?

o   Constituency/Stakeholder Group Operations?

o   Communications?

o   Should we recommend that the work team chairs should be OSC members?

o   Who on the OSC will volunteer to chair the work teams?

o   GNSO Operations?

o   Constituency/Stakeholder Group Operations?

o   Communications?

o   If the chairs are not OSC members, should we add them to the OSC?

o   Should we consider providing OSC member work team chairs until such time that the work teams select their own chairs?

o   If so, any volunteers?

o   Will a"full consensus of the members" approach be successful for work teams? Should we add a comment asking the work teams to make a recommendation in that regard? We could leave Rob's comment in the draft as guidance for the work team.

o   For the GNSO Operations Work Team charter should we include something regarding the following Board recommendation: "a restructured GNSO Council should move away from being a legislative body concerned primarily with voting towards becoming a smaller, more focused strategic entity"?

o   Should we add a section called something like "Work Team Rules" and include the rules we have been using for WGs to the extent that they fit?

o   Other issues?

8. Finalize message to GNSO Council to solicit work team members for the three work teams.

o   Refer to Rob's draft invitation to the OSC list.

o   Action item for Chuck: send invitation to Council list.

9. Identify other lists where the solicitation for work team members should be sent.

o   Action item for Rob: forward Chuck's message with invitation to other identified lists.

10. Action items for next meeting.

o   See above for Chuck & Rob -- Other?

11. AOB


09 December 2008


1. Welcome
2. Roll call
3. Agenda approval
4. Note that Chuck sent invitations to the ALAC and the GAC to provide representatives to the OSC.

a. Janis Karklins acknowledged receipt...

b. Cheryl Langdon is working on identifying someone.

5. Immediate action item - decide on regular meeting days/time
a. Glen sent out several Doodle meeting requests to facilitate selection of a regular meeting day and time.
b. Continue to explore possible days/times

6. Finalize OSC charter

a. Review of completed tasks from 24 Nov meeting:

i. Rob revised the draft charter per the discussion in our 24 Nov meeting and distributed it for list discussion.

ii. It was agreed to form the GNSO Operations Work Team and that it should be the highest priority in terms of getting started because many GNSO operational procedures will need to be in place in June when the Council bicameral voting structure needs to be implemented.

iii. It was agreed to form the Constituency/Stakeholder Group Operations Team and that it makes sense for its primary work to begin around 15 January.

iv. It was agreed to form the Communication Team and that the tasks of the team need more detailed definition, which may be found in the draft charter for the team.

1) An immediate task would be to identify the needed elements of a communications plan.

2) It was pointed out that, once a plan is developed, it is possible that Staff could be primarily responsible for implementation.

b. Open OSC Charter issues

i. List email exchange involving Robin, Chuck & Rob – see Rob's email titled 'Latest Draft Version of OSC Charter' and dated 26 Nov 08.

1) Review comments from Robin, Chuck & Rob
2) Finalize charter language regarding this issue.

ii. Are there any other sections of the draft charter that anyone thinks may need changing?
iii. Quickly walk through charter to ensure broad support and to identify any remaining holes.

c. Ask Rob to prepare a final draft for review and approval on the list.

7. Decide on how to finalize work team charters
a. On 24 Nov 08:
i. It was agreed that the OSC should provide work teams with draft charters and that the teams may propose changes.
ii. It was suggested that individuals should not participate in more than one work team.
b. Should we ask Rob to prepare and distribute a draft invitation for OSC list review and action at our next meeting, including a recommendation that individuals should not serve on more than one work team across the PPSC and OSC?
i. The BC has already identified one participant each for the three work teams.
c. Any comments on the draft work team charters?
i. Should we ask Rob to clean them up and send them to the OSC list for one more look before our next meeting?

8. Action items for next meeting

9. AOB

See 9 December Meeting Report at OSC Meeting Notes MP3 Recording Link: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-osc-20081209.mp3


24 November 2008


  1. Welcome
  2. Roll call
  3. Agenda approval
  4. Immediate action items * Elect a chair (& alternate chair?) * Agree on parameters for participation of alternate OSC members * Decide on regular meeting days/times
  5. Review OSC tasks * Finalize OSC charter * Decide on what work teams to establish * Decide on how to finalize work team charters; should we involve the work teams in that task? * Solicit work team members # Discuss draft OSC charter # Develop a plan for finalizing the OSC charter
  6. Decide on what initial work teams to establish * GNSO Operations Team? * Constituency/Stakeholder Group Operations Team? * Communication Team? * Other Teams?
  7. Action items for next meeting
  8. AOB

See 24 November Meeting Report at OSC Meeting Notes MP3 Recording Link:


02 November 2008, Cairo, Egypt


See GNSO Improvements OSC Kick-off meeting presentation 2 Nov 08.ppt MP3 meeting recording link:
http://audio.icann.org/gnso/osc-20081102.mp3 Meeting Transcript: