DT-F Meeting #3 (19 May)
Sub-Group Members: Alan Greenberg, Cheryl Landon-Orr, Chuck Gomes, Jaap Akkerhuis,
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer, Grace Abuhamad, Kim Carlson
Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
Transcript DT-F Meeting 19 May.doc
Transcript DT-F Meeting 19 May.pdf
The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p2hqguec5df/
The audio recording is available here: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-dtf-19may15-en.mp3
DT-F Meeting 19 May 2015, noon UTC
Agenda: Discussion draft proposal circulated by Alan on list
Summary to date
Draft Proposal to replace NTIA Administrative Oversight
Currently the NTIA is involved in virtually all changes to the architecture and implementation of the Root Zone (excluding those solely within individual Root Servers?) and all operational and procedural changes within IANA and the Root Zone Maintainer.
DT-F has recommended that such oversight is no longer required for day-to-day changes, but that oversight is still required for substantive changes.
Oversight needed, not so much for transaction, but for operational and procedural changes.
Question: why not the ICANN Board?
Suggestion new Board committee
Not in document: what is not , and what is substantive
Chuck: What is substantive difficult to define, future can not be predicted.
Example major automation push. When items are defined. Example to be included (substantive examples in text box)
If in doubt go to the committee.
Is Board Committee appropriate term (semantics)?
Rename to Advisory Council? Come up with title that captures.
Do we need involvement by ASO/RIRs? To be included
Examples of decisions: not a real committee, looking into topic, which involves a lot of people, over long period of time. Changes done through: board community involvement, and at the end decision by Board. Always special
Committee, is not place where decision is made, or technical discussions are made, but superstructure, under which decision and proposal are made.
Question: Board taking final decision? Yes
Warn against creating another structure for one of decision
Issues: process to get decision to the Board.
Try to put into document: Committee is conveyor, and rule is other experts need to be involved.
Would be good, to reach out to the chairs, who are supposed to have a seat on the committee, to give feed-back ( to check if any issues from their end)
Action Alan: reach out to chairs of organisations to be included with Representative or chairs ( SSAC, RSSAC and IETF) if comfortable the proposed direction of travel, after completion and discussion next write up
Question: initiation of process (avoid spurious requests).
Include gating factor to get going. Participants in the group need to be interested.
Question: would this be a standing committee ( only meets when needed).
Need for committee to meet in case major changes through IFR or PTI.?
Committee may never meet, but initiate process/discussion.
Who is going to name TLD reps?
Action Items
ACTION Alan: reach out to chairs of organisations to be included with Representative or chairs ( SSAC, RSSAC and IETF) if comfortable the proposed direction of travel, after completion and discussion next write up
ACTION Alan: Provide next draft, will include high level overview, and indication of direction of travel post adoption of proposal and before transition is completed
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: (5/19/2015 06:39) Welcome to the DT-F Meeting on 19 May.
Brenda Brewer: (06:56) Hello Alan. I hear you. Good Day!
jaap akkerhuis (SSAC): (06:58) Good afernoon
Bernard Turcotte - Staff support: (07:01) Good day
Bart Boswinkel: (07:06) The Document is crollable
Bart Boswinkel: (07:06) scrollable
Chuck Gomes: (07:13) It probably would be good to include root zone automation as a third example along with IPv6 & DNSSEC
Chuck Gomes: (07:14) IANA Advisory Committee?
Chuck Gomes: (07:14) IAC may be a free acronymn
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (07:16) perhaps IANA Advisory Council ??
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (07:26) getting in rincipal support is essential IMO
Bernard Turcotte - staff support 2: (07:29) @Chuck - correct
Bernard Turcotte - staff support 2: (07:30) IFRT or PTI
Bernard Turcotte - staff support 2: (07:32) Gating (whatever it is) makes a request to the Board - which then could say it passes the threshold?
Bernard Turcotte - staff support 2: (07:33) Having at least one SO or AC approve is not onerous
Bernard Turcotte - staff support 2: (07:35) ha
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (07:41) Good pont in that language t lift for here Chuck...
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (07:42) all good
Chuck Gomes: (07:42) Thanks all.
Bernard Turcotte - staff support 2: (07:42) ok
Chuck Gomes: (07:42) Who has the action item for contacting chairs?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (07:43) Alan I assume
Bart Boswinkel: (07:43) Alan
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (07:44) but we still prsenet the indictive level stuff
Bernard Turcotte - staff support 2: (07:45) thank you
Bernard Turcotte - staff support 2: (07:45) bye all
jaap akkerhuis (SSAC): (07:46) bye all!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (07:46) bye