DT-A Meeting #3 (22 May)
Sub-Group Members: Elaine Pruis, Patricio Poblete, Jeff Neuman, Paul Kane, Jeff Eckhaus
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Davies, Elise Gerich, Bernie Turcotte
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
Transcript CWG DT-A Meeting 22 May.doc
Transcript CWG DT-A Meeting 22 May.pdf
The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p4j3ze2pvca/
The audio recording is available here: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-dta-22may15-en.mp3
Work- flow documents received
How best to proceed?
Kim: Community design team. Lead by DT A
Staff to provide assistance
Paul K: Use of statistics on,
Attribute time parameters to sub-routines
Suggestion to work through together with IANA staff
Outlines in special category
How to incorporate
Elise: Did DT A set base principles?
For example accuracy was important principle some years ago, and timeliness
Paul: DTA has met on relatively on few occasions
Recognise current performance,
Ensure IANA is not held accountability for failures/in action of registry operators.
making sure todays performance is documented, and ensure current levels are continued post-transition.
Question: internal KPI/SLE. Similar as external reported.
Depends on SLE/SLA category
Talking about internal SLAs masks the way IAAN works. Ensuring to remove blocking factors.
Paul K: look at e-IANA code. Acknowledge that their has been changes. Underlying engine the same?
e-IAna was the base, but over the course of 8 years, have changed considerably. Little left from original e-IANA.
Is current e-IANA still open source? is it possible to extract the timestamps etc. Is it a systemic failure or other failure?
Is code still available to extract
Elise: This is beyond scope: set in principle , and not in day-to day basis.
Use timestamps, to understand what is happening.
Kim: what system captures, can be analysed on basis on what needs to be measured. In original draft, some definitions needed to be understood to be measured. This made available ones needs been clarified.
Example of a report that includes timestamps per request: http://www.iana.org/performance/metrics/20150331
Question: One of the other things with that data is for the SLAs to be measured independently of the self-reporting by IANA. Or
stated differently, how do you recommend third parties being able to assess IANA performance outside of self-reporting
Elise: Outside party (PWC) audits process and controls etc.
In addition each individual operators can check and assess.
Jeff: ICANN does probes on registry, external probes
Bernie: DTA approach this as practical issue
Try to change
Staring from higher level, drill down more efficiently, if key concepts are clear
As noted IANA is willing to provide data, and based on principles.
Paul: commit my staff resources to provide SLE .
DTA needs to accept approach.
Additional points:
This one of the things, that looks at significant change in operational sense. Concern in the community that this needs to be done right
If top=level is right it is of value for everybody
Paul: Ensure, that current levels are captured.
Not to try to change anything.
Re-assure and capture current timeframes.
Clarify process.
Examples current reporting
Question: Does DTA agree to go to high level document, and then take consecutive steps. In order to deliver a document in time for CWG
New approaches goal is to capture current service levels, address concerns of DTA a and IANA
Bernie: first work on objectives that make sense to everybody, and then later drill down.
Ensure from a top-down level that
Efficient way forward,
Jeff: The DTA came up with document, tha talready captures high level. The DTA needs to be refined. Record hand-offs and re-establish
First look at higher level and then bring back to DTA.
When is sensible to have next call, after review
Objective within a week, and discuss results early week 8 - 9 June.
What is expectation?
Goal is to try live up to timeframe
Developing revisions to current document: bridge gaps, and what should be measured and how.
SLE meets concern registry operations and at the same acceptable to ICANN.
Next call 8 June 20.00 UTC
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: (5/22/2015 09:43) Good Day All! Welcome to the DT-A Meeting on 22 May.
Brenda Brewer: (09:54) Hi Bart!
Bart Boswinkel: (09:55) Hi Brenada, hi Kim
Kim Davies: (09:56) Howdy
Jeffrey Eckhaus: (10:01) dialing in now .
Paul Kane: (10:01) Hi
Paul Kane: (10:02) Shall we start?
Brenda Brewer: (10:02) On the audio line is Elise Gerich
Patricio Poblete: (10:03) Hi everyone
Jeffrey Eckhaus: (10:04) all . i am on the call but will need to be in listen only mode for next 20 minutes
Bernard Turcotte - Staff support: (10:05) hi all
Bernard Turcotte - Staff support: (10:06) Everyone rushing in
Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (10:12) One thing that would help is to understand your own internal SLAs (or KPIs)
Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (10:15) Thanks....sorry.....having audio issues, so typing it all in
Paul Kane: (10:16) Thanks Jeff - I am happy to read your comments (or anyone elses comments)
Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (10:22) One of the other things with that data is for the SLAs to be measured independently of the self-reporting by IANA. Or stated differently, how do you recommend third parties being able to assess IANA performance outside of self-reporting
Paul Kane: (10:26) Bart - can you capture Kims point of being willing to ensure that ICANN/IANA technical resources will be made available to ensure that the required time stamps will be captured.
Bernard Turcotte - Staff support: (10:27) Paul can you get to me
Paul Kane: (10:28) Sorry Bernie yes
Paul Kane: (10:28) next
Bernard Turcotte - Staff support: (10:28) my hand has been up for a while
Paul Kane: (10:28) sorry - after this topic
Kim Davies: (10:28) Example of a report that includes timestamps per request: http://www.iana.org/performance/metrics/20150331
Bernard Turcotte - Staff support: (10:29) ok will have to login again
Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (10:29) thans
Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (10:29) thanks
Bernard Turcotte - Staff support: (10:30) Mike now works
elise: (10:33) http://www.iana.org/reports/2015/c43-dashboard-20150415.pdf
Jeffrey Eckhaus: (10:39) Thank you Paul for stating that. Agree 100% that we are not attempting to "make changes"
Patricio Poblete: (10:41) Gree, too
Patricio Poblete: (10:41) Agree
Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (10:41) I cant speak for the others, but I would certainly appreciate that
Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (10:42) I need to drop from adobe, but am dialed in and still listening
Paul Kane: (10:42) Thanks Jeff
elise: (10:43) Thanks for showing one of the reports in the adobe screen. This is the aggregate report.
elise: (10:43) Kim posted the link for the report that shows metric for each request
Paul Kane: (10:49) Members of DT A - any comments
Bernard Turcotte - Staff support: (10:53) I think this can be done rather efficiently
Jeffrey Eckhaus: (10:53) Paul - I am OK with that path as well
Patricio Poblete: (10:54) OK
Jeffrey Eckhaus: (10:54) of done efficiently :-)
Jeffrey Eckhaus: (10:54) if done
Bernard Turcotte - Staff support: (10:54) always ;-))
Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (10:55) Thanks for asking. I agree with the comments expressed so far. My hope is that we can do this in an expedited manner
Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (10:56) And perhaps there are details in the most recent draft, but I'm deeply interested in the turnaround time for TLD transitions
Bernard Turcotte - Staff support: (10:57) Ideally to meet the efficiecy we need this to be a small group
Bernard Turcotte - Staff support: (10:57) Adam is laready prepped and we could work with him
Patricio Poblete: (10:58) Yes, I am happy with that
Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (10:58) we've run into some serious inefficienices in the ICANN transition process so i'd like to see the processes withnn IANA align with the timeline for transition s. Too much detail for this disucssion but that is a focus for me
Bernard Turcotte - Staff support: (10:58) ok
Bernard Turcotte - Staff support: (11:00) that would be very efficient
Jeffrey Eckhaus: (11:01) I am out of office and hard to reach the week of June 1 -5 . June 8th is good for me
Kim Davies: (11:02) Week of June 1-5 I'll be at CENTR in Stockholm too
Bernard Turcotte - Staff support: (11:02) ok
Kim Davies: (11:02) 8th wfm
Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (11:02) works for me
Patricio Poblete: (11:02) OK for me
Bernard Turcotte - Staff support: (11:03) +1
Bernard Turcotte - Staff support: (11:03) on it
Bernard Turcotte - Staff support: (11:03) bye allà
Patricio Poblete: (11:03) Bye