DT-A Meeting #1 (7 April)
Sub-Group Members: Paticia Poblete, Jeffrey Eckhaus, Paul Kane, Elise Gerich, Elaine Pruis
Staff: Bart Bostwinkel, Kim Davies, Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
Transcript CWG DT-A 7 March.doc
Transcript CWG DT-A 7 March.pdf
The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p5l1ds46rdm/
The audio recording is available here: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-dta-07apr15-en.mp3
Notes and Actions
Identify real processes
Additional meeting to understand general objectives
Schedule another meetign this week
Objective: general, professional Service level
Actual SLE not achievable before the meeting
Best hope to have principles in before 10th April. Given state of conversation
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: (4/7/2015 11:23) Welcome to the DT-A Meeting on 7 April
elise gerich: (11:27) Hello - Elise here
elise gerich: (11:28) will the audio work on adobe connect or do I also have to dial in on my phone?
Kim Davies: (11:28) I just called the bridge, they said this call is not scheduled for another few hours
Kim Davies: (11:29) "1pm Central"
Brenda Brewer: (11:29) Elise, please test sound, it should work on Adobe.
Brenda Brewer: (11:30) having op start recordings
elise gerich: (11:31) ok - I am talking
Bart Boswinkel: (11:31) Hi all On teh call
elise gerich: (11:32) sound not working on adobe connect - for me to speak. I will debug as Kim speaks.
elise gerich: (11:32) hearing is fine - speaking is not working
elise gerich: (11:32) I will dial into the call
Bernard Turcotte - staff support: (11:32) @EG - ok
Jeffrey Eckhaus: (11:33) I am trying to join the call . is the passcode is DTA or DTM ?
Brenda Brewer: (11:33) DTA
Jeffrey Eckhaus: (11:33) thanks
Jeffrey Eckhaus: (11:33) the invite had DTM
elise gerich: (11:37) on the phone and hopefully can speak when it is appropriate
elise gerich: (11:38) when we get to the question about the flowchart I would like to be in the queue to speak. thanks.
Bernard Turcotte - staff support: (11:39) Elise will get to you in a few minutes
Kim Davies: (11:50) Be mindful that other design teams are looking at the architecture between IANA, NTIA and Verisign, and that process will inform process changes that will flow into what SLAs/SLEs make sense
Bart Boswinkel: (11:51) @Kim: +1
elise gerich: (11:52) didp@icann.org is the email for requesting information that is not presently published today
elise gerich: (11:54) Thanks for the offer to visit the office on Thursday, Apr 9th - however, that is the day of the root KSK key signing ceremony, so we are unable to entertain you on Thursday
Paul Kane: (11:56) Don't we know it. The deadline has had me working 18 hours per day :-)
Kim Davies: (11:58) Bernie: +1
Jeffrey Eckhaus: (12:01) need to drop off. thanks for listening
Paul Kane: (12:05) Thanks all .... have a good eve
elise gerich: (12:05) Thank you and bye
Kim Davies: (12:05) This is great, thanks
Bart Boswinkel: (12:05) Bye all