CPH Membership Work Session - ICANN82

CPH Membership Work Session - ICANN82

DATE: Tuesday, 11 March 2025

TIME: 09:00 - 10:00 PT

ROOM: Elwah B (GNSO)

CPH Membership

  • Preparation for meeting with Board
  • Questions received:
    • 1. Please provide input on meeting structure 
    • 2. How can we work more closely together to ensure governments are encouraged not to legislate around the multi-stakeholder model?  
    • 3. What are the challenges you face in contributing to the budget and ops plan discussions?
    • Proposed Additional Discussion Topic: During our ICANN 81 session, prior to Kurtis’ start, we discussed shared CPH priorities regarding ICANN operational issues, increasing efficiency in an evolving Internet governance ecosystem, and specific policy issues. We would like to follow on that discussion with the benefit of the CEO’s input and perspective. We hope to offer our priorities as well as hear from the Board on their priorities as we move forward with new leadership.