NPOC Singapore meeting 2014-03-25

NPOC Singapore meeting 2014-03-25

Draft Agenda

Breakdown of topics to be discussed:


  1. Pre-Icann event  report
  2. Progress report strategic plan goals
  3. Specific ongoing policy issues of interest
  4. Charters review process and amendments
  5. Status of current participation to GNSO and ICANN processes
  6. NOMCOM (update)
  7. Status of participation in the NCSG-EC and NCSG-PC
  8. Membership-related matters
  9. Financial report
  10. NPOC website redesign (update)
  11. Vacancies on the EC (if any)
  12. Cross-constituency collaboration
  13. Events attended through  CROPP sponsorship (report)
  14. Upcoming events
  15. Upcoming call reminder
  16. AOB

Proposed speakers

  • Rudi Vansnick, NPOC Policy Chair and Treasurer
  • Klaus Stoll, NPOC Chair Program Committee
  • Marie-laure Lemineur, NPOC Chair
  • Poncelet Ileleji, NPOC Program Committee Vice Chair and Secretary
  • Lori Schulman, NPOC representative in the NCSG-EC