GNSO Working Session Singapore Saturday 2014-03-22
Venue: SOFIA
Background Briefing Papers
Time | Topic | Leader | Presenter | |
7:30 | 8:45 | Meeting of the Standing Committee on GNSO Improvements Implementation (SCI) | Ron Andruff |
9:30 | 9:45 | Standing Committee on GNSO Improvements Implementation What is it about: Status update, including background on a motion to approve revisions to the GNSO Operating Procedures Background: The SCI is responsible for reviewing and assessing the effective functioning of the GNSO Procedures and Working Group Guidelines For further information, please see Policy staff member: Julie Hedlund, Marika Konings, and Mary Wong | Jonathan Robinson | Ron Andruff |
9:45 | 10:15 | Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part D PDP WG What is it about: Status update, including presentation of Initial Report Background: This PDP WG is tasked to address six Charter questions related to the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) and the Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy (TDRP). Co-Chairs' video: For further information, please see Policy staff member: Lars Hoffmann | Jonathan Robinson | Mikey O'Connor, James Bladel
10:15 | 10:30 | Preliminary Issue Report on IGO & INGO Access to the Curative Protections of the UDRP & URS What is it about: Staff summary and community discussion of the staff recommendations in the Preliminary Issue Report that was published for public comment on 10 March 2014. Background: The GNSO Council requested an Issue Report, as a preceding step to a possible Policy Development Process (PDP), on amending the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) and/or the Uniform Rapid Suspension procedure (URS) to permit access and use by International Governmental Organizations (IGOs) and International Nongovernmental Organizations (INGOs). This was in accordance with the consensus recommendation from the IGO-INGO PDP Working Group, adopted unanimously by the GNSO Council in November 2013. For further information: please see Policy staff member: Berry Cobb, Mary Wong | Jonathan Robinson | Mary Wong |
10:30 | 10:45 | Drafting Team on Cross-Community WGs What is it about: Status update and recommended next steps regarding the finalization of a framework of operating principles, applicable across all SO/ACs, for future cross-community working groups. Background: A Drafting Team co-chaired by the ccNSO and GNSO Councils was tasked to develop a charter for a cross-community working group that will take forward the initial work done by the GNSO on a framework of cross-community working group principles, supplemented by feedback and additional suggestions received from the ccNSO. The DT has completed its work on the draft charter and has submitted it to both Councils for their review and approval at the ICANN Singapore meeting. For further information: please see Policy staff member: Bart Boswinkel, Mary Wong | Jonathan Robinson | John Berard |
10:45 | 11:00 | COFFEE BREAK |
11:00 | 11:15 | Data and Metrics for Policy Making WG (DMPM) What is it about? Status update on WG activities to date Background: The WG will explore opportunities to review reporting and metrics and standard methodologies that could better inform fact-based policy development and decision making. There could be opportunities to review how the community can collaborate with contracted parties and other reporting service providers in the sharing of metrics and data that may complement the policy development process. The WG may produce recommendations that identify critical success factors and key performance indicators to facilitate consensus policy implementation. For more information: please see Policy Staff Member: Berry Cobb | Jonathan Robinson | Mikey O’Connor |
11:15 | 11:30 | Policy and Implementation WG What is it about: Status update on the WG activities to date Background: The GNSO Council formed a Working Group which has been tasked to provide concrete recommendations on how to address certain issues stemming from the policy & implementation debate from a GNSO perspective. The WG is in the process of completing a set of working definitions and principles which are intended to guide its deliberations on the charter questions (see The WG will provide an update on its activities. For further information, please see Policy staff member: Marika Konings | Jonathan Robinson | Chuck Gomes |
11:30 | 12:00 | Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group (JIG WG) What is it about: The JIG was tasked to prepare recommendations of next steps to both Councils to be presented at the Singapore meeting. Background: The JIG was jointly chartered by the ccNSO and GNSO Councils to discuss issues of common interest regarding Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs). Three issues were identified - single character IDNs; IDN variants; and universal acceptance of IDNs. The JIG has produced reports on all three issues and is expected to recommend next steps to both Councils in Singapore. For more information: please see Policy staff member: Bart Boswinkel, Mary Wong | Jonathan Robinson | Edmon Chung |
12:00 | 13:00 | Open and substantial strategic discussion | Jonathan Robinson |
13:00 | 14:00 | LUNCH BREAK |
14:00 | 14:15 | WHOIS Studies What is it about: Status update and community discussion of Final Reports on Whois Privacy & Proxy Service Abuse and Whois Misuse, and next steps. Background: the GNSO commissioned several studies and surveys relating to various aspects of the Whois global gTLD data directory system between 2010-11. The final two studies have now been completed and Final Reports published. The community will review the findings of these reports and discuss next steps, in view of new initiatives launched (e.g. the Expert Working Group on gTLD Data Directory Services) since the start of the Whois studies and their findings. For more information: please see Policy staff member: Mary Wong | Jonathan Robinson | Mary Wong |
14:15 | 15:15 | Preparation for Board, GAC and cCNSO meetings | Jonathan Robinson |
15:15 | 16:00 | Discussion with CEO Fadi Chehadé | Jonathan Robinson |
16:00 | 16:15 | Translation & Transliteration of Contact Information PDP WG What is it about: Status update, including presentation on Charter questions and related issues Background: This PDP WG is tasked to address issues surrounding the translation and/or transliteration of Contact Information data, such as WHOIS. For further information, please see Policy staff member: Julie Hedlund, Lars Hoffmann | Jonathan Robinson | Chris Dillon |
16:15 | 16:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
16:30 | 17:00 | Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) What is it about: The SSAC provides an update on its recent activities. Background: The SSAC advises the ICANN community and Board on matters relating to the security and integrity of the Internet's naming and address allocation systems. For further information, please see Policy staff member: Julie Hedlund, Barbara Roseman, and Steve Sheng |
| Patrik Fälström |
17:00 | 17:15 | Joint WG on use of country codes & territory names Title: Joint WG on use of country & territory Names as TLDs Background: The ccNSO Council has requested the GNSO to form a joint WG to:
The GNSO Council is expected to consider the charter and a motion adopting the charter at its meeting on Wednesday. Policy staff member: Marika Konings | Jonathan | Heather Forrest Bart Boswinkel |
17:15 | 17:30 | Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues PDP WG What is it about: Status update on the work of this WG and community discussion on the issues being deliberated. Background: The GNSO Council approved the charter for a Working Group to develop policy recommendations relating to an accreditation program for privacy and proxy service providers. ICANN has previously committed to creating such a program, and the issue of the accreditation of such service providers is the one remaining issue that was not addressed during the negotiations that led to the 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement that was approved by the ICANN Board in June 2013. Currently, the 2013 RAA contains a temporary specification that will operate till 1 January 2017 or the launch of ICANN's accreditation program, whichever is earlier. For more information: please see Policy staff member: Marika Konings, Mary Wong |
| Don Blumenthal |
17:30 | 18:00 | GNSO Review What is it about: Status update on upcoming GNSO review Background: In September of last year, the Board directed the SIC to schedule the review of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO), which is mandated by ICANN Bylaws Article IV, Section 4, to commence in 2014, and that preparations for this Review commence as soon as feasible. A status update on the preparations for this review is expected to be provided during this update. Policy staff member: Marika Konings | Jonathan Robinson | Jen Wolfe |
19:00 |
| Offsite Council dinner |