GNSO Privacy Proxy Services Accreditation Issues WG meeting
The Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues Working Group (PPSAI WG) invites the ICANN community to its meeting on Thursday 27 March from 0900-1030 Singapore time, in the Sophia Room. A major part of the session will be dedicated to community discussion of the issues under discussion in the WG, following a brief overview of its work and charter.
Remote participation links and call-in details are available on the ICANN Singapore meeting schedule for this session.
1. Roll Call (2 mins)
2. Introduction of WG members and affiliations (individual WG members; 20 mins)
3. Overview of goals, charter and work so far (Don Blumenthal (WG Chair); 10 mins)
4. Update on EWG survey/Q&A with WG members (Margie Milam (ICANN staff); 20 mins)
5. Open community discussion (35 mins)
6. Wrap up and next steps (3 mins)
For review:
- PP Questionnaire.pptx (Read-Only).pdf - presentation on EWG P/P survey
- Slides for PPSAI WG F2F Singapore meeting.ppt