Meeting # 29 | 11 September 2019 - 11:00 UTC

Meeting # 29 | 11 September 2019 - 11:00 UTC


Review Team Members:  Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Pat Kane, Tola Sogbesan, Lui Yue, Daniel Nanghaka, Demi Getschko, Jaap Akkerhuis, Jacques Blanc, Sebastien Bachollet, Vanda Scartezini

ICANN Organization:   Jennifer Bryce, Brenda Brewer

Observers:   Herb Waye, Avri Doria, Sophie Hey

Technical Writer:  Bernard Turcotte

Apologies:  Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Osvaldo Novoa, Maarten Botterman, Negar Farzinnia

Audio recordingEN    (44:09)

Zoom recording:  HERE

Transcript:  EN

Zoom Chat Transcript: EN


Plenary Call Report: PDF

Decisions Reached:  /

Action Items:

  • Sebastien will work with RALO groups to ensure one response per group is submitted to the survey.
  • Staff to check on dates and deadlines regarding submission of the modified work plan to the Board.

  • Staff and leadership team to work on filling in dates during the leadership call on Monday.


  1. Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
  2. Action items review (new and closed)
  3. Survey status update
  4. Any work party items for plenary attention (Board, GAC, Reviews, Community, WS2)
  5. Review proposed new work plan [docs.google.com]
  6. ATRT2 implementation check in (see Google sheet [docs.google.com] for reference)
  7. AOB
    1. Meeting agenda forward planning
  8. Confirm actions / decisions reached

Call Details

11:00 - 12:30 UTC  (timezone converter here)

Interested in listening to the discussion? Send request to mssi-secretariat@icann.org for meeting link.

Learn more about how you can observe ATRT3-RT meetings - see here