Meeting #7 - 29 April 2019 @ 20:00 UTC
Meeting #7 - 29 April 2019 @ 20:00 UTC
Leadership Members: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Daniel Nanghaka, Pat Kane, Erica Varlese, Sebastien Bachollet, Vanda Scartezini, Liu Yue, Osvaldo Novoa, Michael Karanicolas
ICANN Organization: Jennifer Bryce, Negar Farzinnia, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: KC Claffy
- Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
- Leadership call Doodle poll [doodle.com] results and decision on call time
- Brief update from staff on any outstanding requests
- Face-to-face meeting planning - any updates from staff and proposed next steps
- Work party leaders - any items to flag for Co-Chairs attention?
- Terms of Reference - check in on progress towards 5 June deadline
- Think ahead to next call (8 May at 11:00 UTC) - any ‘homework’ to set?
- Confirm action items / decisions reached
Documents: none
Zoom Chat: EN
Decisions Reached:
- Leadership team call will be moved to 19:00 UTC until Marrakech, schedule a review in Marrakech and adjust if necessary
Action Items:
- Staff to follow up with those who have not completed the Doodle poll on meeting dates to complete. Team to make a decision by next meeting (8 May) on the next face-to-face meeting date and location.
- Staff to share budget status on a regular basis as a standing agenda item to ATRT3 leadership calls.
- Staff to send draft agenda out to the leadership list – for the team review.