ALAC and Regional Leadership Beijing 2013-04-07 Action Items
April 7th meeting
Update from the Global Stakeholder Engagement and Communications Departments
Staff to share the videos/podcasts of the At Large community with Jim Trengrove. Senior Director of Communications.
Discussion with Maguy Serad, Vice President of Contractual Compliance
Maguy Serad to look into the issue of the PICs and enforcement.The dispute resolution process allows that someone who is materially harmed not able to go a dispute resolution provider have that adjudicated.
At-Large Working Groups - Update and Next Steps - Part 1
At-Large staff to organize monthly Outreach Sub-Committee meetings. The monthly meetings will rotate to allow global participation. A doodle is to be sent to establish the date/times. (IN PROGRESS)
Discussion on .Patagonia
Sergio Salinas Porto (wiht LACRALO if it wishes) is to propose a motion requesting the ALAC to consider sending a note objecting to the new gTLD applicant on .patagonia to the ICANN Board.
Discussion with the SSAC (15:50-16:30) (Moderator: Julie Hammer)
AI : To look into the possibility of forming a joint WG to look at DPI