ALAC and At-Large Action Items 24-29 June Prague Meeting

ALAC and At-Large Action Items 24-29 June Prague Meeting

ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session 1  

  • COMPLETED - An acclamation of thanks for At-Large Staff for their work on the ALAC Improvements project is to occur during Wrap Up session.
  • REFERRED TO THE TTF: The Technology Taskforce is to look at the development of a wiki page for ideas to make information more accessible. 

ICANN Academy WG

  • REFERRED TO THE ICANN Academy WG: The ALAC is to invite the new CEO, Fadi Chehadé, and the new RVPs to the ICANN Leadership Training sessions. 

Joint At-Large New gTLD WG and Review Group Meeting

  • REFERRED TO THE NEW gTLD RG WG: Avri Doria is to draft a letter on Applicant Support: Next Steps and discuss this letter at next regular meeting of the New gTLD WG. 

Informal IGF Baku Meeting

  • COMPLETED - A wiki space to be created for the AFRALO/APRALO activities at the IGF in Baku. 
  • At-Large Staff are to provide Senior ICANN Staff should have key points on hand when in Baku – (5 year anniversary of the RALOs, etc)

ALAC: Policy Discussion - Part II

  • REFERRED TO THE SECRETARIATS: Silvia Vivanco is to follow up at next Secretariat Meeting and ensure that the necessary ASO information has being distributed. 

At-Large Rules of Procedure & the ALAC Metrics Sub-Committee Meetings

  • By the 25 September ALAC meeting, all Metrics-ROP material is to be ready. 
  • A vote on the RoPs is to take place following the Toronto Meeting. 
  • ROP WG is to consider whether a half day workshop on the ROPs should be held during the Toronto Meeting. 

ALAC Executive Committee

  • At-Large Meeting agendas at ICANN Meetings should include more time for Policy discussion.
    • For the Metrics SC, is there a way to determine how much time we are spending on process and how much time we are spending on policy?
  • REFERRED TO OLIVIER: The ExCom is to prepare a note to Xavier Calvez regarding a possible discretionary fund that can be used by the ALAC.
  • COMPLETED - Wrap Up and Policy Discussions to be extended to two hours.