Action Items 22 December 2009 EN
Action Items from this meeting:
S. Bachollet and staff to work together to find a solution to the wiki issues he has been experiencing.
Staff to provide additional information on the HSTLD advisory group led by Andy Welch
Staff to add Domain Names Registered Using a Private/Proxy Services to the agenda of the ALAC January meeting
Carlton will make changes to the PAD to ensure ALAC policy-making provides more information. The aim of the change is to make the PAD more automated. Carlton and staff to work on automating the PAD.
Issue of how to create better ALS-RALO-ALAC relations to be discussed in Nairobi.
The STI Minority Report is to be added to the PAD.
A short policy briefing from ICANN staff on whether .CAT public comment is setting a precedent is requested.
ALAC will not submit a statement to the .CAT public comment. Instead, ALAC will prepare a high-level statement on the broader issue of the ICANN business model by 17th January. The points from this meeting will be used as a source of material for the ExCom to be placed in the comments section.
New gTLD Program-Draft Expressions of Interest/Pre-Registrations Model was seen as a very important issue that ALAC needs to pick up.
New gTLD Program-Draft Expressions of Interest/Pre-Registrations Model is to be added to the PAD.
EL, JS, AG, AP to post their comments form ALAC call of 22 December on the lists in order to develop a statement.
The PAD issues that are behind schedule will be developed into ALAC statements. This issue will be carried to the January ALAC meeting.
Further discussion on the Director Appointment process is to be held on lists.
At-Large Director Appointment Process Sub-Committee to consist of: EL; AG; SB; CLO; DK; CS (ExCom)
The White Paper is to be completed by end of December.
Other agenda items from 22 December ALAC meeting are to be discussed during January ALAC meeting.
Contributions on the Substantive Agenda of IGF are to be sent to – ideally by 15 January 2010 in order to be reflected in a paper prepared as an input for the February consultations.
Staff to work with J. Seng to organize an IDN WG call to discuss the Draft Statement on IDNs: Final Report on Three-Character Requirement and Variant Management. The call is to be "Asia-friendly" and to take place during the first week of January. Until a final document is agreed, a provisional document will be submitted to the public comments.