ATLAS II debrief call 2014-09-12 Action items
ATLAS II debrief call 2014-09-12 Action items
- Gisella to follow up on the Report Reporting Group and get the group start working
- Staff to follow up on ATLAS II Chairs and require them to file any missing report
- Staff to add a new column on the table and allocate working groups to this column
- HU to check availability of Ash for LA Meeting
- SV and Ariel to follow up on the tables - Isolate Recommendations meant for the Board and work on them as a matter of priority. Any rec related to the Board -deadline LA meeting.
- OCL/Staff to send a consensus call for the establishment of an ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce (ATLAS II IT!)
- The ATLAS II IT group to include Chairs of the RALOs, TG Leaders, Chairs of the ATLAS II Groups