At-Large Summit II Home

21-26 June 2014 in London

What is the At-Large Summit?

The ICANN At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) along with the At-Large community will hold a  second At-Large Summit (ATLAS II) at the June 2014 ICANN Meeting in London on the theme of "Global Internet: The User Perspective:.

ATLAS II will build upon the successful activities of the At-Large community since the first At-Large Summit (ATLAS) was held alongside the ICANN Meeting in Mexico in March 2009 – an event of fundamental importance since it became the foundation stone to the involvement of many of our At-Large Structures (ALSes) in ICANN.

In June 2014, the ATLAS II will welcome the representatives of over 160 ALSes around the globe to participate in its events.


View the ATLAS II Welcome Video


At-Large London Meeting Agendas Workspace - June 2014


ATLAS II Thematic Group Coordination


Pre-ATLAS II Activities

ATLAS II Activities

ATLAS II Social Events

Post ATLAS II Activities


Actions and Outputs


Questions for At-Large Meetings

Topics for ICANN Public Meetings


Resources and Templates



Participants and Travel


Pilot ICANN Mentor Program Meetings in London


Recent space activity

Space contributors