

Fast-Track CCTLDs


Evaluation Fees of $US100,000: Can New gTLD Program Change the Face of the Internet?(23 October 2008)

A draft 'Applicant Guidebook' for new generic top-level domains (gTLDs),
is now available for review and comment at http://www.icann.org/en/topics/new-gtld-comments-en.htm.
The draft Guidebook provides information for those interested in applying for new generic top-level domains.

The Evaluation Fee is designed to make the new gTLD program
self-funding only. This was a recommendation of the Generic names
Supporting Organization (GNSO). A detailed costing methodology –
including historical program development costs, and predictable and
uncertain costs associated with processing new gTLD applications
through to delegation in the root zone – estimates a per applicant fee
of $US185,000. This is the estimated cost per evaluation in the first
application round.

'Shake-up' for internet proposed June 23, 2008

"We are doing this on a cost recovery basis. We've already spent $10m on this," Dr Twomey said. Icann was still working through how much the application fee to register a domain name will be, but it is expected to be at least several thousand dollars.

Board Passed the Resolution on IDNC / IDN Fast-track (June 27, 2008)

Whereas, the ICANN Board recognizes that the "IDNC Working Group" developed, after extensive community comment, a final report on feasible methods for timely (fast-track) introduction of a limited number of IDN ccTLDs associated with ISO 3166-1 two-letter codes while an overall, long-term IDN ccTLD policy is under development by the ccNSO.

Whereas, the IDNC Working Group has concluded its work and has submitted recommendations for the selection and delegation of "fast-track" IDN ccTLDs and, pursuant to its charter, has taken into account and was guided by consideration of the requirements to:

Preserve the security and stability of the DNS;
Comply with the IDNA protocols;
Take input and advice from the technical community with respect to the implementation of IDNs; and
Build on and maintain the current practices for the delegation of ccTLDs, which include the current IANA practices.
Whereas, the IDNC Working Group's high-level recommendations require implementation planning.

Whereas, ICANN is looking closely at interaction with the final IDN ccTLD PDP process and potential risks, and intends to implement IDN ccTLDs using a procedure that will be resilient to unforeseen circumstances.

Whereas, staff will consider the full range of implementation issues related to the introduction of IDN ccTLDs associated with the ISO 3166-1 list, including means of promoting adherence to technical standards and mechanisms to cover the costs associated with IDN ccTLDs.

Whereas, the Board intends that the timing of the process for the introduction of IDN ccTLDs should be aligned with the process for the introduction of New gTLDs.

Resolved (2008.06.26.04), the Board thanks the members of the IDNC WG for completing their chartered tasks in a timely manner.

Resolved (2008.06.26.05), the Board directs staff to: (1) post the IDNC WG final report for public comments; (2) commence work on implementation issues in consultation with relevant stakeholders; and (3) submit a detailed implementation report including a list of any outstanding issues to the Board in advance of the ICANN Cairo meeting in November 2008.

Draft Initial Report on introduction IDN ccTLD under fast track for comment (January 28, 2008)

CCNSO IDNC WG drafted the Initial report and the WG will work on it till 28 January 2008. Public Consultation will start on Feburary 4. The key issues are selection of IDN ccTLD strings and managers in fast track process. The liaison has raised the critical issue how to coordinate the fast track process with the long term solution.

Request to Provide Input to Issue Report on Introduction of IDN ccTLDs (December 19, 2007)

At its meeting on 2 October 2007, the ccNSO Council resolved to call for an Issue Report to examine the need for a Policy Development Process (ccPDP) to consider:

Whether Article IX of the ICANN bylaws applies to IDN ccTLDs associated with the ISO 3166-1 two letter codes, and if it does not then to establish if Article IX should apply.
Whether the ccNSO should launch a PDP to develop the policy for the selection and delegation of IDN ccTLDs associated with the ISO 3166-1 two-letter codes.
The Council requested that, in preparing the Issue Report, the Issue Manager identify policies, procedures, and/or by-laws that should be reviewed and, as necessary revised, in connection with the development and implementation of any IDN ccTLD policy.http://www.icann.org/announcements/announcement-19dec07.htm

ICANN IDN Updates (October 28, 2007)

At LA meeting, ICANN updates on nine aspects on IDNs, including IDN test, IETF protocol review and policy developments at both ccNSO and gNSO. See ICANN IDN Status Report.
The GNSO has considered IDN TLD issues as part of its New gTLD policy development deliberations, including modalities for including internationalized top-level domains as part of the future new gTLD application process. The GNSO launched an IDN Working Group last year that has now finalized its report (see http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/idn-wg-fr-22mar07.htm), identifying and addressing matters such as the introduction of IDN gTLDs, geo-political details, relationships with existing gTLD strings, concerns relating to existing second-level domain name holders, and techno-policy details. A joint ccNSO/GAC Working Group produced an issues paper on the selection of IDN ccTLD labels paralleling the ISO 3166-1 two-letter codes (see http://ccnso.icann.org/announcements/announcement-09jul07.htm) as a response to an ICANN Board resolution in Sao Paulo (December 2006). The paper was presented to the ICANN Board in San Juan (June 2007) at which time the ICANN Board requested the community (GNSO, ccNSO, GAC, ALAC) to address the issues listed in the paper as well as explore the potential for both a long-term and an interim approach.

Statement of ICANN's Non-Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) on the GNSO New GTLD Committee Final Report (25 July 2007)

NCUC opposes Recommedation 6 & 20 and some of the implementation guidelines.

Board Resolutions on IDN at San Juan Meeting

Acknowledgement of Technical Progress on IDNs
Resolved (07.), the ICANN Board acknowledges the work performed by the members of the community working on this important topic and urges this work to continue to move forward in a manner that emphasizes the security and stability of the Internet.
Resolved (07.), the ICANN Board respectfully requests that technical volunteers continue to work closely together to complete their work revising the IDNA protocol and identifying technical requirements for IDN registrations to guide the policy making community.
Resolved (07. ), the ICANN Board requests staff to consider the resulting technical recommendations as essential for the introduction of IDN at the top-level in a manner that ensures the continued security and stability of the Internet.
Acknowledgement of Policy Progress on IDNs
Resolved (07.), the ICANN Board respectfully requests that that the ICANN community including the GNSO, ccNSO, GAC, and ALAC provide the Board with responses to the published list of issues and questions that need to be addressed in order to move forward with IDN ccTLDs associated with the ISO 3166-1 two-letter codes in a manner that ensures the continued security and stability of the Internet. The Board requests status reports regarding progress by the conclusion of the ICANN meeting in Los Angeles in October 2007.
Resolved (07._), the ICANN Board respectfully requests that the ICANN community including the GNSO, ccNSO, GAC, and ALAC continue to work collaboratively, taking the technical limitations and requirements into consideration, to explore both an interim and an overall approach to IDN ccTLDs associated with the ISO 3166-1 two-letter codes and recommend a course of action to the Board in a timely manner.

ICANN launched a short video about IDNs with subtitles in several languages, October 9, 2007

The video is at http://dotsub.com/films/idnspart/index.php.

ICANN Moves Forward Towards Introduction Of Internationalized Top Level Labels (IDNs) in the DNS

On June 2, 2007, ICANN posted a set of draft procedures describing how IANA will manage the insertion, administration and removal of internationalized top-level labels (as delegated A-records) in the DNS root zone. These procedures are intended to guide an evaluation plan providing for the insertion and monitoring of sample IDNs into the root zone later this year.

This announcement includes the draft procedure itself (IANA Root Zone Procedures for Test IDN Deployment, and a draft paper (IDN TLD Root Server Performance / Tolerance) describing the negative impacts to the DNS (tolerance measure) that, if observed, would trigger an emergency revocation procedure. The revocation procedure provides for the rapid removal of IDNs from the root zone if these negative impacts rise to the level specified in the tolerance document. The Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) is also analyzing the tolerance measure .

The public comment period is open until June 22, 2007 at 00:00 UTC. Following the public comment period ICANN staff will revise these documents and publish a final set of procedures that will be reviewed by ICANN Board of Directors at the ICANN Meeting in San Juan (25-29 June 2007). The procedure will be implemented according to standard processes for newly adopted or revisions to IANA services.

Public comments can be submitted toiana-idn-process@icann.org and reviewed athttp://forum.icann.org/lists /iana-idn-process/.

Current Difficulties With Displaying Internationalized Top-Level Domains

by Kim Davies Oct 15, 2007

Eleven new top-level domains have been inserted in the DNS root zone. However, we are still a long way from the level of support needed to give us strong confidence that people can always see what we intend them to see. The most likely problem you will face is that there will be some labels that you simply cannot see, because your computer does not have any font that can express the characters.
IDNs: Straightforward Technical Problem or Machiavellian Nightmare?
by Greg Goth
Three of the leading figures trying to solve the technical aspect of internationalized domain names have been alternately hopeful and pessimistic recently. Vint Cerf, chairman of the ICANN board, says he’s more optimistic about finally deploying a globally workable IDN solution than he’s been in a year. Cary Karp, director of Internet strategy and technology at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm, paints a darker picture of disingenuous and cynical maneuvering by parties with axes to grind. And John Klensin, former chairman of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), says his outlook on one of the global Internet community’s most vexing and longest-running problems depends on the developments on any given day.

Que felicidad me da saber que hay mucha información sobre IDNs... que tristeza saber que nada de esto pueden leer y enterarse en mi país y en todo Hispanoamericana por no estar todo esto traducido al español...
Los usuarios de Internet de habla Hispana queremos que la documentación de ICANN este dispuesta también en español para poder intervenir y participar de la toma de decisiones
Saludos Cordiales
Sergio salinas Porto
Asociación Internauta
Usuarios de Internet de la República Argentina
Integrante de la Alianza Internauta Latinoamerica

contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2008-07-12 18:25:10 GMT

I think Sergio is saying much as he's pleased to see so much information on IDNs, he is concerned that none of it is available in Spanish. This problem limits how much his constituency of Spanish speakers in Latin America can be informed or even participate in the debate.


contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2008-08-11 21:57:33 GMT