

Multilingual documents are generally identified by their two-digit language code - these codes are an ISO standard, and the list can be found at this page. There are a couple of strings not yet standardised and so when you see a 2-digit lowercase string in front of an uppercase string, that denotes a non-standard modifier. Two are commonly used: brPT (for Brazilian Portuguese) and siZH (Simplified Chinese). Where available, the language of the document is identified in that language

Draft IDN Guidelines v2.2

إرشادات تطبيق أسماء النطاقات الدولية إصدار
Directives de mise en oeuvre des noms de domains Internationalisés
Lineamientos para la implementacion de nombres de dominio internacionalizados
推行国际化域名的指导方针 版本号

IDN Glossary

أسماء نطاقات الدولية - مسرد
Nombres de Dominio Internacionalizados – Glosario
Glossaire des noms de domaine internationalisés
Nomes de Domínio Internacionalizados - Glossário
Интернационализированные доменные имена - Глоссарий
国际化域名 - 术语表

IDNC Working Group

This Working Group is composed of representatives of several ICANN statutory bodies (including two ALAC representatives) in order to facilitate the fast-track implementation of several IDN ccTLDs.

IDNC Working Group Charter

IDNC Draft Initial Report (v3, Feb 2008)

Documents Related to IDNs from Various Sources

CCNSO ISSUES PAPER Selection of IDN ccTLDs associated with the ISO 3166-1 two letter codes

Discussion Document on ccNSO-GAC IDN Working Group DRAFT (Version 2)

APTLD Position on Top Level Internationalised Domain Names (June 21, 2007)

SSAC Response to IDN Program Director regarding ICANN's proposal for IDN deployment at the root level of the DNS (23 July 2007)

gTLD Documents and Work Related to IDN TLDs

Introduction of New Top-Level Domains ICANN Staff Discussion Points


GNSO Final Report Introduction of New Generic Top-Level Domains

> Part A: http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/pdp-dec05-fr-a-18jun07.pdf
> Part B: http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/pdp-dec05-fr-b-18jun07.pdf

ALAC Statement on the Introduction of IDNs (November 2005)

Documents Related to the ccNSO PDP on IDNs

CCNSO Resolutions on the Policy Development Process for the Selection and Delegation of IDN ccTLDs (ccNSO Council 2nd October 2007)

CCNSO Council resolved to form a Council sub-committee to act as a steering group for the PDP, and to liaise with and assist the Issue Manager on behalf of the Council. The sub-committee will have 6 members being 1 Councillor from each geographic region and the Chair of the ccNSO Council. The Issue Manager will issue a call for volunteers shortly.
In parallel to its request for an Issue Report as a first step in launching a ccPDP on the introduction of IDN ccTLDs, the ccNSO Council will also explore the possibility of a short track/interim approach. http://ccnso.icann.org/about/minutes/resolutions-idn-from-ccnso-council-02oct07.pdf