Costs of independent legal advice

Costs of independent legal advice

For background, please see: Letter from Xavier Calvez to the CCWG-Accountability Chairs (13 October 2015) and Letter from Xavier Calvez on independent legal advice costs (13 October 2015)


For details, please see the webpage on ICANN.org: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/iana-stewardship-project-costs-2015-10-16-en


U.S. Government IANA Stewardship Transition Project Costs


In the interest of transparency, information on the USG Stewardship transition costs is provided on this page. The project scope of the costs included here includes the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) work, the Cross Community Working Group on Naming Related Stewardship Functions (CWG-Stewardship), the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) and any implementation work.

The cost categories include the cost of staff support, travel and meetings costs, professional services (including legal advice), and administrative costs. The costs disclosed are exclusively direct costs and do not include any overhead allocation.

The costs information included here is published quarterly, starting in October 2015.

Costs Summary

These documents include the total costs of the project, detailed by category and by track.

Legal Advice Costs

The costs included in this section are also included in the Costs Summary documents above but are focused on the legal advice incurred by ICANN with each of the three legal firms employed: Jones Day, Sidley & Austin, Adler & Colvin.

Documents published on 13 October 2015:

Note: When monthly invoices have not yet been received, estimates are requested from the legal firms. If no estimates are received from the legal firms, ICANN Finance produces an estimated monthly total cost, mainly based on historical trend.