WP2 - Review and Redress
WP2 - Review and Redress
Coordinator/Rapporteur: Becky Burr (member)
- Alain Bidron (participant)
- Alice Munyua (member)
- Athina Fragkouli (member)
- Avri Doria (participant)
- Bruce Tonkin (member)
- Carlos Raul Gutierrez (participant)
- Claudia Selli (observer)
- Cristofer Granillo (observer)
- David McAuley (participant)
- David Maher (participant)
- David Post (participant)
- Desiree Miloshevic (observer)
- Edward Morris (participant)
- Erika Mann (observer)
- Finn Petersen (participant)
- Gary Campbell (participant)
- Greg Shatan (participant)
- Guru Acharya (participant)
- Izumi Okutani (member)
- Jon Nevett (participant)
- Jonathan Zuck (participant)
- Jordan Carter (member)
- Jorge Cancio (participant)
- Julia Wolman (member)
- Kavouss Arasteh (participant)
- Konstantinos Komaitis (observer)
- Leon Sanchez (member)
- Malcolm Hutty (participant)
- Mark Carvell (participant)
- Markus Kummer (participant)
- Mathieu Weill (member)
- Maura Gambassi (participant)
- Olga Cavalli (member)
- Pär Brumark (member)
- Paul Rosenzweig (participant)
- Pedro Ivo Ferraz Da Silva (participant)
- Phil Corwin (participant)
- Rafael Perez Galindo (participant)
- Robin Gross (member)
- Stephanie Duchesneau (participant)
- Suzanne Radell (member)
- Thomas Rickert (member)
- Thomas Schneider (participant)
- James Gannon (participant)
- Michael Romo (participant)
- Matthew Shears (participant)
- Steve Crocker (participant)
- Snehashish Ghosh (participant)
- Steve Del Bianco (member)
- Paul Twomey (participant)
- Samantha Eisner (member)
- Alan Greenberg (member)
- Sebastien Bachollet (member)
- Asha Hemrajani (observer)
- Rinalia Abdul Rahim (participant)
- Gonzalo Navarro (participant)
- Suzanne Woolf (participant)
- Chris Wilson (participant)
- Sabine Meyer (participant)
- Bradley Silver (participant)
Mailing List Address for Work Party 2 on Review and Redress: wp2@icann.org
Public Archives: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/wp2/
Mailing List Address for Work Party 2 Subteam on Compact Mission:
Public Archives: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/wp2-compactmission/
Mailing List Address for Work Party 2 Subteam on Ombudsman:
Public Archives: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/wp2-ombudsman/
Mailing List Address for Work Party 2 Subteam on Reconsideration:
Public Archives: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/wp2-reconsideration/
Mailing List Address for Work Party 2 Subteam on Independent Review:
Public Archives: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/wp2-independentreview/