WP3 - Emerging Issues
WP3 - Emerging Issues
León Sánchez
Avri Doria
Giovanni Seppia
Malcolm Hutty
Keith Drazek
Alan Greenberg
Greg Shatan
Izumi Okutani
Athina Fragkouli
- Seun Ojedeji
- Olga Cavalli
- Rafik Dammak
- Willie Currie
- David Maher
- Jan Aart Scholte
- Kavouss Arasteh
Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez
- Mathieu Weill
- Robin Gross
- Nigel Roberts
- Samantha Eisner
- James Bladel
- Jeff Neuman
- Phil Corwin
- Marilyn Cade
- Farzaneh Badii
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr
- Paul Twomey
- Jorge Villa
- Paul Szyndler
- Antonio Medina Gómez
- Adebunmi Akinbo
- Jordan Carter
- Konstantinos Komaitis
- Pär Brumark
- Jorge Cancio
- Phil Buckingham
- Julia Wolman
- Finn Petersen
- Nick Shorey
- Steve del Bianco
- Suzanne Radell
- Matthew Shears
- Ken Salaets
- Stephanie Perrin
- Nan CHU (Antonia)
- Gigi Johnson
- Rafael Perez Galindo
- Jonathan Zuck
- Rudolph Daniel
- Kieren McCarthy
- Nathalie Coupet
- Soumya Iyer
- Rinalia Abdul Rahim
- Markus Kummer
- Wolfgang Kleinwaechter
- Asha Hemrajani
Mailing List Address for Work Party 3 on Emerging Issues: wp3@icann.org
Public Archives: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/wp3/
Scope : Emerging Issues
- Staff & management accountability
- SO/AC accountability
- Enhancement of diversity
- Board duties
Propose recommendations for the CCWG, and sort out between work stream 1 and work stream 2, taking into account the very short timeframe available for work stream 1 and the requirement to avoid unintended consequences (minimal changes).
See here for more information