ST-WP Meeting #8 (10 June)
Sub-Group Members: Avri Doria, Cheryl Langdon Orr, Finn Peterson, Steve DelBianco
Staff: Adam Peake, Alice Jansen, Kim Carlson
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
Transcript ST WP #8 10 June.doc
Transcript ST WP #8 10 June.pdf
Adobe connect recording is available here:
The audio recording is available here:
These high-level notes are designed to help you navigate through content of the call and do not substitute in any way the transcript.
Suggestion made to Congress that they require NTIA to certify that Bylaws changes have been adopted.
Discussion of the DOTCOM act.
What time frame can we expect for implementation of the bill?
The appropriations rider on spending is a different committee.
The alternative might have been a GAO review of the CCWG proposals, which could have taken a year or more, so the DOTCOM act seems to present a more favorable option.
Will this raise issues of jurisdiction?
Are there any additional stress test scenarios based on the politics of the U.S. /The Hill?
Probably not. Goal is simplification.
ST call suggested work for the call:
Review last week's call. Review the public comment input to the CCWG, relevant to stress tests.
1 action items: stress test for the FIFA scandal. Felt we had a test (9) that covered that, para 445 the remedy.
Mathieu: perception that not only corruption, but many embers involved by re-electing he same officers. How do we prevent the corrupt insider? Suggest asking Mathieu in BA if he wants test number 9 added to. But right need more than that as he is going to the next level of how to address capture at the volunteer level
Not the risk that capture can happen from the inside. And note that we will be recommending bylaws changes that will affect the SO/AC. We can recommend more transparency and stricter bylaws.
Rogue voting: within the UA. Might be a way for the SO/AC to notify that some rogue vote had occurred and that a hold be put on that vote. And will develop a stress test on this.
Pages from the public comment review tool have been sent by staff. Should we review at some point, and how do we best react to those comments?
Present a scenario and then some fleshed out columns. What approach? R Hill example. Some confusion over jurisdiction and location of incorporation.
Are they prior constraints or improperly used. CA or the US being able to create law that effects what you do has long been a concern, but it would be the case for any location. And is the reason people have suggested a host country agreement. So describe the distinction
Should the stress test team do a deep dive on the pro and cons of Swiss jurisdiction? How do we respond? Can point out the distinction between jurisdiction and incorporation. Under any jurisdiction, how does the community power become implementable?
Or ask him or legal what a response might be?
We focus stress tests on adequacy of measures.
ACTION ITEM - Agenda 21
The legislative power of where you are incorporated and where staff person is based are different.
Board would have to decide how to respond. The community has role of developing policies and we have ability to challenge.
Stress test asks how community has accountability in how it solves problem.
Wednesday, 17 June call is cancelled.
Next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 1 July.
Action Items
ACTION ITEM - Agenda 21
The legislative power of where you are incorporated and where staff person is based are different.
Board would have to decide how to respond. The community has role of developing policies and we have ability to challenge.
Stress test asks how community has accountability in how it solves problem.
Chat Transcript
Kimberly Carlson: (6/9/2015 14:03) Welcome to the Stress Test WP Meeting #8 on 10 June at 11:00 UTC. Please note that chat sessions are being archived and follow the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior:
Steve DelBianco [GNSO - CSG]: (6/10/2015 04:58) Hello, Kim and Alice. If possible, could you have the comment summary at-hand. We'd want to look at pages 17-19
Steve DelBianco [GNSO - CSG]: (04:59) Thanks
Kimberly Carlson: (05:02) Hi Cheryl, just let us know when you would like us to start the recording
Avri Doria: (05:03) Steve, do you think this bill is a good thing? and will be make it to being signed?
Steve DelBianco [GNSO - CSG]: (05:05) Avri -- it's a good bill for the community. Will explain
Avri Doria: (05:06) i thought it was a presumption of powers that were not theirs.
Avri Doria: (05:08) do they drop the conditions about not spending any funds to do this?
Avri Doria: (05:10) given my faith in my congress, i am not optimistic that this is a good ting.
Avri Doria: (05:12) but there was not authority for them to hand it over to GAO.
Avri Doria: (05:13) i see it as a presumption of pwoer and see it as a dangerous move
Avri Doria: (05:14) just got up and have no used my voice yet today.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (05:15) coffee
Avri Doria: (05:15) working on my first cup now.
Avri Doria: (05:16) and we have the thorny jurisdiction issue back on the table.
Avri Doria: (05:16) what about the new stree of Calaifornina becoming like Alabama in regard to international convenents?
Steve DelBianco [GNSO - CSG]: (05:17) we'll cover that with Richard Hill's comment on STs
Avri Doria: (05:18) we are all crispy and i must confess i almost decided to sleep in.
Steve DelBianco [GNSO - CSG]: (05:18) 2 - 5 am yesterday was BRUTAL
Avri Doria: (05:19) after which i got on a plane flew to DC and had a full day of meetings.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (05:19) bloody hell woman
Avri Doria: (05:22) if you cant hear me, then o.
Avri Doria: (05:22) cause i was talking.
Alice Jansen: (05:23) No we can't hear you, Avri :(
Alice Jansen: (05:24) yes of course
Alice Jansen: (05:25) Avri, Kim has sent you a private message - could you send her your phone # please?
Avri Doria: (05:26) what are the magic words for the dial
Kimberly Carlson: (05:26) Stress Test
Avri Doria: (05:26) calling in now
Avri Doria: (05:26) in a hotel and and the connection is obviously not good.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (05:27) ahh that will often be the case :-(
Avri Doria: (05:27) i just dialed in, we not find out if the problem is the microphone on my headset.
Adam Peake: (05:34) and there was a note from Lee Bygrave on this. I will forward later
Adam Peake: (05:34) by "this" I mean some of R Hill's specific claims about Switzerland
Adam Peake: (05:40) that's what I remember. pretty sure Lee said more complicated than Richard suggests
Avri Doria: (05:40) yes.
Adam Peake: (05:40) The swiss situtauon more complicated than richard suggests
Adam Peake: (05:44) I must leave the call, a clash. Good luck with the rest today. And look forward to seeing you all in BA
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (05:44) bye Adam
Steve DelBianco [GNSO - CSG]: (05:48) alice -- could you bring up ST 4 on page 76
Steve DelBianco [GNSO - CSG]: (05:48) thanks, Alice
Kimberly Carlson: (05:57) Yes, thank you
Alice Jansen: (05:58) Finn Petersen
Alice Jansen: (05:58) yes
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (05:59) great yes thabks
Kimberly Carlson: (06:01) Thanks All, bye
Avri Doria: (06:01) bye