ST-18 Subgroup
ST-18 Subgroup
- Mathieu Weill
- Leon Sanchez
- Thomas Rickert
- Steve DelBianco
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr
- Megan Richards
- Brett Schaefer
- Jorge Cancio
- Greg Shatan
- Mark Carvell
- Malcolm Hutty
- Paul Rosenzweig
- Pedro Ivo Ferraz Da Silva
- Finn Petersen
- Roelof Meijer
- Olga Cavalli
- Andrew Harris
- Matthew Shears
- Chris Disspain
- Fiona Alexander (observer)
- Tom Dale
- Rafael Perez Galindo
- Konstantinos Komaitis
- Julia Wolman
- Markus Kummer
- David Martinon (observer)
- Samantha Eisner
- Phil Corwin
- Keith Drazek
- Izumi Okutani
- Avri Doria
- Erika Mann
Lousewies van der Laan
James Gannon
Robin Gross
Dalila Rahmouni (observer)
Mailing list: s18@icann.org
List Archives: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/s18/
ST-18 is a subgroup tasked with assessing the state of play and the various options on Stress Test 18 language, so that the CCWG can decide how to proceed in the third CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 1 proposal.