Legal SubTeam Meeting #5 (18 March)
Sub-Group Members: Leon Sanchez, Athina Fragkouli, David McAuley, Edward Morris, Philip Corwin, Greg Shatan, Par Brumark, Sabine Meyer, Samantha Eisner
Staff: Adam Peake, Alice Jansen, Brenda Brewer, Grace Abuhamad, Theresa Swinehart
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
Recordings for this call are not available due to the sensitive material discussed during the meeting. Redacted transcripts, however, are provided above.
Proposed Agenda
1.- Review of the legal scoping document to incorporate lessons learned from today’s call
2.- Brainstorming on work scoping and coordination with both law firms
3.- Coordination for the sub-team members to take notes on legal issues discussed in Istanbul
Legal SubTeam Meeting #5 18 March 2015
This call is being recorded
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These high-level notes are prepared to help you navigate through content of the call and do not substitute in any way the transcript.
1. /
ACTION ITEM - Leon to reach out to Robin to determine if any help needed on legal scoping document updates.
We need to understand exact roles of each counsel and the perceived lack of experience. There are accountability related issues - need to make sure we have reasons for two specific firms and how they would work together to avoid duplication. This will be an important component of engagement letter.
SA had not been provided with scoping document in advance of call.
Exchange about membership was disquietening
Concerns about presence of legal counsel in Istanbul
We need to make sure we are not running on assumptions - do we have justification?
ACTION ITEM: Sam and Greg to provide SA with scoping document and to set up an additional call
Volunteers that will coordinate communications with law firm(s) moving forward: Greg Shatan - David McAuley - León Sanchez
Volunteers to take notes on legal issues in Istanbul: David McAuley - Athina Fragkouli
Action Items
ACTION ITEM - Leon to reach out to Robin to determine if any help needed on legal scoping document updates.