Work Area 1 - Draft Documents
DRAFT - Establishing an Inventory of ICANN Accountability Efforts, including definitional questions of Who is held accountable, to whom, and for what
First Draft (Provided by Samantha Eisner): 22 December WS1 - Accountability Inventory with Questions.doc; WS1 - Accountability Inventory with Questions.pdf
NOTE - this draft was built off of the Third Draft referenced below; it is not intended to be comprehensive, but a starting point for the conversation.
DRAFT - Establishing an Inventory of ICANN Accountability Efforts
Third Draft (provided by Samantha Eisner): 15 Dec (CLEAN) SubGroup1draft15Dec-CLEAN.docx; (CLEAN; PDF) SubGroup1draft15Dec-CLEAN.pdf; (Redline) SubGroup1draft15Dec-REDLINE.docx
Second Draft (provided by Malcolm Hutty): SubGroup1draft12Dec.docx
First Draft (provided by David Maher): SubGroup1draft10Dec.docx
Excerpt from 25 June 2014 ICANN 50 Session on Enhancing ICANN Accountability: Excerpt - 25 June 2014 ICANN50 Accountability Session.pdf
Excerpt from 6 May 2014 ICANN posting on Enhancing ICANN Accountability - initial proposed inventory: (PDF) Inventory of ICANN Accountability Efforts (6 May 2014).pdf; (WORD) Inventory of ICANN Accountability Efforts.doc
Background on evolution of ICANN redress mechanisms (prepared by Samantha Eisner): History - Accountability Mechanisms.doc