Work Area 3: Review Issues Identified by CWG-Stewardship
Work Area 3: Review Issues Identified by CWG-Stewardship
Grace Abuhamad
Berry Cobb
Alice Jansen
Owned by Grace Abuhamad
Area III: Review what has been identified by IANA Transition CWG in relation to accountability and whether that is all WS1 related.
Click here for all draft documents developed by this group.
Click here for the Issue Matrix.
Coordinator/Rapporteur: Avri Doria (participant)
Jordan Carter (member)
Leon Sanchez (member)
Yasuichi Kitamura (participant)
Michael Benaudis (participant)
Martin Boyle (participant)
Pedro Ivo Ferraz Da Silva (participant)
Malcolm Hutty (participant)
- Carrie Devorah (participant)
- Greg Shatan (participant)
- Akinbo Adebunmi (participant)
Jia He (participant)
- Kavouss Arasteh (participant)
- Eberhard Lisse (member)
Giovanni Seppia (member)
Susan Aaronson (participant)
Samantha Eisner (member)
Barrack Otieno (participant)
Wolf-Ulrich Knoben (participant)
Seun Ojedeji (participant)
- Konstantinos Komaitis (observer)
- Fiona Asonga (member)
Mailing List Address for Work Area 3: ccwg-accountability3@icann.org
Public Archives: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ccwg-accountability3/