Meeting #28 - 21 May 2018 @ 14:00 UTC
Review Team Members: Susan Kawaguchi, Alan Greenberg, Lili Sun, Dmitry Belyavsky, Erika Mann, Stephanie Perrin, Chris Disspain
ICANN Organization: Alice Jansen, Lisa Phifer, Amy Creamer, Trang Nguyen, Brenda Brewer
Observers: /
Apologies: Volker Greimann, Carlton Samuels, Thomas Walden, Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez
Audio recording: EN
Zoom recording: HERE
Transcript: EN
Chat Transcript: EN
Observer Chat Transcript: N/A
Documents: PDF
Plenary Call Report: PDF
Decisions Reached:
- Agreement to continue work as planned and to raise short term options with SO/ACs on individual basis
Action items:
- Leadership to raise “after April meeting” reference in short term options public comment period with MSSI
- Request 10-15 min-briefing with Theresa Swinehart for next Monday
- Alan to confirm RT’s intent to comment that no pause or change in scope is appropriate at this time
- ICANN org to reconfirm with review team that may move plenary calls to 15:00 UTC. No objection raised on call #28
- ICANN org to start putting engagement session slides
- Alan and ICANN org to finalize ICANN62 session description/agenda
- ICANN org to recirculate the Brussels doodle poll to RT
- ICANN org to reach out to Thomas to clarify law enforcement survey logistics and request status update
- ICANN org to schedule a follow-up call for compliance subgroup
- ICANN org/Leadership to announce that Thursday 23:59 UTC is the final deadline to send any concerns they have with Brussels meetings notes.
- ICANN org to follow up with subgroups to clarify status of open action items
- ICANN org to extend this Wednesday’s leadership call to 60 minutes.
- Welcome, roll-call, SoI Updates
- Short-Term Options to Adjust the Timeline for Specific Reviews
- Plenary Call Time
- Face-to-Face Meeting #3 – Brussels | (please fill in the new poll with supplementary dates: [] )
- Subgroups Status Update
- A.O.B.
- Confirm Decisions Reached and Action Items
Call Details 14:00-15:30 UTC (timezone converter here) Interested in listening to the discussion? Go to Learn more about how you can observe RDS-WHOIS2-RT meetings - see here. |