Decisions reached
Decisions reached on plenary meetings & calls are reported in the table below:
Mtg | Date | Decision |
#51 |
| Do not send another reminder to Stephanie regarding section on Compliance. |
#49 |
| Leadership call needed on Thursday. No plenary calls needed. |
#49 |
| Alan, Cathrin, Susan, and Carlton have volunteered to become "implementation agents". |
#49 |
| Redo the chart without the line about building information. |
#49 |
| Hold webinars early April (preferably 2 webinars in one day). Leadership to prepare presentation. |
#49 | Send the list of recommendations to the mailing list for consensus reaching via email (Alan to send reminder to Volker, Erika, Stephanie, and Thomas to let us know about their vote on the recommendations). | |
#47 |
| Alan to release documents ready for translations. |
#47 |
| Schedule calls for the next two weeks, with report going out by week of february 11 |
#47 |
| Consensus call on recommendations to be done by the end of this week |
#47 |
| Update to SG1 is approved. |
#47 |
| R1.1/1.2, R1.3 updates approved. |
#46 |
| WHOIS1 Rec #11: Common Interface: New text for R11.2 is accepted: The ICANN Board should direct the ICANN organization to ensure that the common interface displays all applicable output for each gTLD domain name registration as available from contracted parties, including multiple versions when the outputs from registry and registrar differs. The common interface should be updated to address any policy or contractual changes to maintain full functionality. |
#46 |
| WHOIS1 Rec #1 - Strategic Priority: Agreement from members in attendance with rationale for R1.1, R1.2. |
#44 |
| CM.3 (new version): Consensus reached, and will be inserted in report with associated text. |
#44 |
| R5.1: Consensus reached. |
#44 |
| R10.1: Consensus reached on recommendation. |
#42 |
| Face-to-Face Meeting #4 Agenda is approved. |
#39 |
| On Common Interface - Agreement with R11.1, as presented in draft report. |
#39 |
| On Law Enforcement - Agreement on LE.2 as modified, with one objection to both LE.1 and LE.2. The ICANN Board should consider conducting and extending such surveys and/or studies (as described in LE.1) to other RDS (WHOIS) users working with law enforcement |
#39 |
| On OECD related Bylaws amendment - (TENTATIVE) Eliminate clause on "safeguarding" and eliminate OECD clause in bylaws, and replace both with a new clause which requires assessment but in a generic manner not specific to a single document. |
#39 |
| On Strategic Priority - Agreement on R1.1 with edit "To ensure that RDS (WHOIS) is treated as a strategic priority. |
#39 |
| On Data Accuracy - Agreement to keep recommendation 5.1 as is. |
#38 |
| On Consumer Trust - Agreement with proposed issues, not recommendations at this time. |
#38 |
| On Plan & Reports - No additional edits. |
#38 |
| On Data Accuracy - Agreement (with at least one objection) on a new proposed R5.1 as revised: The ICANN Board should direct the ICANN Organization to look for potentially-anomalous ARS results (e.g., 40% of ARS-generated tickets closed with no action because the WHOIS record changed) to determine the underlying cause and take appropriate action to reduce anomalies. [Examples to be added to rationale supporting this recommendation, including updates, domains that are not renewed, etc] |
#37 | Agreement with interview at ICANN63 in principle. Find a time closer to the date. | |
F2F#3 |
| RT members approved work plan to completion of draft report: BY TUESDAY 31 JULY – Support team to circulate an updated draft report containing agreed recommendations from this meeting, as the base document for rapporteurs to use FRIDAY 3 AUGUST – MONDAY 6 AUGUST – Plenary call (120 min). Review any of the new recommendations SATURDAY 11 AUGUST – Deadline for RT to send objections, comments, edits on output produced by rapporteurs and action items penholders MONDAY 13 AUGUST – Plenary call (120 min) to address edits/comments and for consensus call on new materials BY FRIDAY 17 AUGUST – Support team to finalize draft report and circulate to review team SUNDAY 26 AUGUST – Deadline to submit objections, comments and edits on Draft Report + dissent reports if any MONDAY 27 AUGUST – Plenary call (120 min) to address comments and for consensus call. Formally adopt report BY SATURDAY 1 SEPTEMBER – Release public comment on Draft Report |
F2F#3 |
| All RT members must attend 27 August plenary call or appoint a proxy or submit their response to the consensus call in writing. |
F2F#3 |
| On Draft Report:
F2F#3 |
| Produce a PDF executive summary and table of recommendations |
#34 |
| Decisions cannot be taken on this call, considering there is no quorum. |
#33 |
| No face-to-face meeting before/at ICANN63. Engagement session will be scheduled with those present. Invitation will be sent to SO/ACs to ask whether they wish to meet separately. |
#33 |
| All of the subgroups that have not yet submitted their report to the RT are asked to review the latest drafts and indicate to their subgroup whether they agree or have further comments to be addressed. |
#32 |
| Rec. 2 to remain and list outreach targets (including GDPR data subjects) and importance of cost effectiveness. |
#32 |
| The slides should be considered as guidance. No time for detailed presentation at engagement session. |
#31 |
| Engagement Session slides to be reviewed on the plenary call next week. |
#30 |
| Letter to Theresa/public comment entry: Alan to post public comment that includes edits flagged on call #30. |
#28 |
| Agreement to continue work as planned and to raise short term options with SO/ACs on individual basis |
#27 |
| 8 June 2018 is the deadline to submit ICANN 62 engagement session materials. |
#26 |
| See the full list of decisions reached from the face-to-face meeting #2 on April 16-17-18, 2018 |
#23 |
| Monday @14:00 UTC (90 min) has been identified as the new plenary call time, starting 23 April. |
#23 |
| The review will hold a community engagement session at ICANN62 with review team members present at ICANN 62. |
#23 |
| The review team will not hold a face-to-face meeting at ICANN62. |
#19 |
| The review team has established the effectiveness tool as the point of reference for subgroups to conduct the implementation assessment of their respective WHOIS1 recommendation(s). |
#18 |
| Engagement session to be scheduled at ICANN62 |
#17 |
| Face-to-Face meeting #2 in Brussels is confirmed for 16, 17, 18 April. |
#17 |
| Request for Written Implementation Briefings is confirmed. ICANN org to take back to SMEs and advise on next steps. |
#17 |
| Review Team decides to keep the Work plan as is. |
#16 |
| Compliance subgroup call to be scheduled on Monday at 14:30 UTC. Plenary call to be cancelled. |
#15 |
| Review Team not asking for a briefing on GDPR at this stage. |
#14 |
| Rapporteur to appoint deputy to provide an update, if unable to join a call |
#14 |
| Subgroup on WHOIS1 Rec #4 and Compliance subgroup are now merged into one group. |
#13 |
| Plenary call agenda:
#13 |
| ICANN61 & Face-to-Face Meetings:
#13 |
| Subgroups Matrix
#13 |
| Terms of Reference & work plan: Any member who does not respond with an objection by the due date is assumed to approve. |
#11 |
| Effectiveness Framework is adopted and will be used moving forward. |
#9 |
| Interim leadership is confirmed to continue leading the full review (Alan Greenberg as Chair – Cathrin Bauer-Bulst and Susan Kawaguchi as Vice Chairs) |
#9 |
| Subgroups have a target of completing their recommendations by San Juan (ICANN61) |
#9 |
| Time of plenary call to be discussed after Abu Dhabi |
#9 |
| The ICANN60 informal meeting is confirmed for October 31 – 12:15-13:15 |
#9 |
| Review Team reached preliminary agreements on scope, to be reflected in an updated Scope and Objectives table for review and insertion into ToR |
#8 | Face-to-face meeting agenda has been approved. | |
#6 |
| On timeline (cf Fact Sheet): agreement to publicize 12-month timeframe |
#6 |
| On scope: IDN: Within Scope, with minimal effort on it. |
#6 |
| On scope - Calton’s issue to “assess the value and timing of RDAP as a replacement protocol is suitable, a low effort one and will be included in the review, the wording will be refined slightly. |
#6 |
| On scope - Compliance is within scope, and Review Team will take a look at it deeper. |
#6 |
| On scope - Review will evaluate whether RDAP should be implemented before policy is developed. |
#6 |
| On scope - Review Team won't be addressing GNSO suggestion "Assess how RDS current & future recommendations might be improved and better coordinated" |
#6 |
| On scope: On OECD, Review Team will conduct: simple review noting that there are issues and pointing at other groups which have more in-depth on the issue, and may consider recommending that it be dropped or replaced for future reviews |
#6 |
| On scope as per the Bylaws section 4.6.e.ii: Review Team agreed to treat separately:
The team also agreed that it may be useful to draw on the first WHOIS Review Team Scope of Work discussions for guidance on further defining the criterion of effectiveness. |
#5 |
| Review Team adopts proposed decision-making methodology on Terms of Reference |
#4 |
| Review Team Members are expected to prepare questions in advance of implementation briefings and to share with ICANN org/presenters beforehand. |
#4 |
| On observers - Review Team adopts SSR2 approach with caveat that adjustments may be made, as needed. |
#3 |
| RT agreed to bi-weekly 90 minute calls and to plan agenda for 60 minutes with option to run over, as needed. |
#2 | RT agreed to interim leadership structure. | |
#2 | RT confirmed its first Face-to-Face: October 2-3 2017. RT members will be contacted by ICANN Constituency Travel to make their arrangements and other meeting details to be sent out to Review Team by Staff Support. | |
#2 |
| RT discussed holding a formal meeting at ICANN60 and determined that an informal meeting of those who will be attending the ICANN might be a better option depending on the number of RT members who are already attending the ICANN meeting. |