Meeting #22 - 28 March 2018
Meeting #22 - 28 March 2018
Leadership Members: Alan Greenberg, Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, Susan Kawaguchi
ICANN Organization: Alice Jansen, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Lisa Phifer, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: /
- Welcome, roll-call, SoI updates
- Update on Subgroups’ Progress and Plans
- A.O.B.
- Confirm Decisions Reached And Action Items
Documents: PDF
AC Chat: N/A
- Leaders to help prompt progress within the subgroups where they participate by responding to Doodles promptly, and by reaching out on their subgroup mailing lists (for example, to ask where the subgroup stands)
- Anything New: Susan to reach out to Stephanie on doodle and subgroup progress.
- Cathrin to send out subgroup timing suggestions for FtoF meeting #2 agenda via email to the review team
- ICANN org to prepare PowerPoint template slides for the FtoF meeting #2 to be used subgroups to present their findings. ICANN org to forward templates to subgroups via email.
- Lisa to help on subgroup report first draft for Compliance, and Privacy/Proxy Services subgroup.
- Plenary agenda: ICANN org to add slides on where to find information and useful functions on the wiki.