Meeting #20 - 1 March 2018

Meeting #20 - 1 March 2018


Leadership Members:  Alan, Susan, Cathrin

ICANN Organization:  Jean-Baptiste, Lisa, Brenda

Apologies:  Alice


  1. Welcome, roll-call, SoI updates 
  2. Outreach Plan: Blog Post
  3. Update on Subgroup Progress and Plans
  4. Plenary Call Schedule
  5. Plenary Call #22: Agenda
  6. A.O.B.
  7. Confirm Decisions Reached And Action Items



AC Chat:  EN

Decisions Reached: 

  • Send a note to rapporteurs who have not forwarded documents to subgroups indicating that documents will be forwarded to subgroup after deadline has passed.


  • Blog post: ICANN org draft a note on blog post on behalf of review team leadership , to be addressed to so/ac leadership.
  • Update on Subgroups
    • Safeguard Registrant Data: Alan to work this Friday on briefing needs, and specific questions.
    • ICANN org to follow up with rapporteurs of subgroups which have not met yet, and schedule the subgroup call based on rapporteur's availability
    • ICANN org to send a note to rapporteurs who have not confirmed/forwarded first draft documents to their subgroups, informing them that once the given deadline has passed the documents will be forwarded to their respective subgroup
    • Rec#4 - Compliance:  ICANN org to schedule a subgroup call for compliance on Monday or Tuesday next week. Susan to confirm available time slots with Jean-Baptiste.
    • Rec #1 - Strategic Priority : ICANN org to schedule a call for strategic priority based on Cathrin's availability
  • Plenary call schedule: ICANN org to send out to review team members the excel sheet to confirm their availability for future plenary calls, deadline to confirm availability no later than 9 March, 2018.
  • Plenary call invitations to be sent for March 23, April 2, 6