Leadership Meeting - Tracking Tool
Item # | Source of Request | Date of Request | Action Item Request | Action Owner | Request Clarified (link to email archive; date) | Anticipated Completion Date |
Item # | Source of Request | Date of Request | Action Item Request | Action Owner | Request Clarified (link to email archive; date) | Anticipated Completion Date | Completed Response | Completion Date |
262 | #51 |
| Leaders to identify a time to review and update slide deck presentation. | Leaders | Session cancelled. Cancellation request sent via direct email. |
| ||
261 | #51 |
| Alan to put a paragraph in the executive summary explaining the consensus process. | Alan | ||||
252 | #49 |
| Alan to review final report and insert something relevant to getting consensus (executive summary) cf. Thomas not being replaced. | Alan | ||||
246 | #48 |
| Jackie to follow up with Susan on appendix I | Jackie | direct email |
| ||
238 | #46 |
| Run through recommendations and confirm that they are fine from an editorial point of view. | ICANN org (Jackie) | direct email |
| ||
228 | #44 |
| Alan/Jackie to review section Rec #5-9: Data Accuracy | Alan/Jackie | ||||
223 | #43 |
| Appendix I: Jackie to find a convenient section to refer to it on front, possibly on methodology section. | ICANN org | ||||
221 | #41 |
| Identify sections that could be moved to an appendix, sections that can be tightened. Liaise with rapporteurs to evaluate suggested changes. | Jackie/Review Team |
| |||
260 | #51 |
| Considering there was consensus at the last face-to-face meeting and general agreement on final recommendations, consensus is considered full. Alan to reach out to GNSO Chair with regards to lack of response from Volker/Stephanie. | Alan |
| |||
258 | #50 |
| Alan to follow-up with Stephanie and Volker on recommendations consensus, ccing leadership mailing list. | Alan | email, email |
| ||
251 | #49 |
| Alan to send out private messages to Volker and Stephanie on final report recommendations. | Alan | email, email |
| ||
255 | #50 |
| Highlight text in r12.1 priority level in final report for Alan's review | ICANN org | ||||
259 | #50 |
| Schedule a leadership call next week. | ICANN org | Calendar invitation sent. |
| ||
249 | #49 |
| Jean-Baptiste to populate Appendix H: Public Comment | ICANN org | ||||
254 | #49 |
| Jean-Baptiste to distribute final report (without style) to review team once ready. | ICANN org | ||||
256 | #50 |
| Jean-Baptiste to send out another reminder to Stephanie on rec.4 Compliance missing paragraph. | ICANN org | ||||
257 | #50 |
| Highlight any issues related to operational input on contractual compliance. | ICANN org | ||||
253 | #49 |
| Jean-Baptiste to send out a reminder to Stephanie on rec.4 Compliance missing paragraph. | ICANN org |
| |||
250 | #49 |
| Appendix I: cut and paste from draft report the two sections on relevant research for privacy/proxy services, and common interface | ICANN org |
| |||
255 | #49 |
| Jean-Baptiste to liaise with Negar on point raised by Alan following their meeting. | ICANN org |
| |||
248 | #49 |
| Susan to review whether operational input was incorporated in Objective 6. | Susan | Review done and incorporated in final report: email |
| ||
247 | #49 |
| Law Enforcement Needs: remove the "billing" bar under section "RDS WHOIS Lookup use" by modifying the image graph. | ICANN org/Alan | Modified in final report: email |
| ||
245 | #48 |
| Liaise with Susan/Cathrin whether they would be interested to become implementation agents. | ICANN org |
| |||
244 | #48 |
| Cathrin to provide update on controversial graph in Law Enforcement Section | Cathrin | Discussed on leadership call #49 |
| ||
243 | #48 |
| Add to plenary call agenda:
| ICANN org |
| |||
242 | #48 |
| Alan to follow-up with Stephanie on rec #4 compliance, paragraph in "Possible Impact of GDPR and Other Applicable Laws" section. | Alan | email (done by ICANN org) |
| ||
241 | #47 |
| Review issue on ftof action items broken link | ICANN org | Meeting Report |
| ||
240 | #47 |
| Susan to update Objective 6 section based on operational input received | Susan | Review done and incorporated in final report: email |
| ||
239 | #47 |
| Plenary call agenda: - Include paragraph "Possible Impact of GDPR" rec 4 Compliance - Consumer Trust - Prioritization. - timing (report going on 15 February) minority statements no later than 12:00 UTC on 13 February | ICANN org |
| |||
237 | #46 |
| Forward the reply from SMEs to Susan on below questions:
| ICANN org | email sent to Susan. |
| ||
236 | #46 |
| Liaise with ICANN Board, and SMEs to ask whether a meeting should be set with RDS-WHOIS2 leadership to clarify final recommendations | ICANN org | No need for meeting. |
| ||
235 | #46 |
| To be added on Plenary Call #47:
| ICANN org |
| |||
234 | #45 |
| Rec. 1, Law Enforcement Needs, Contractual Compliance to be added on plenary call agenda (use action items and updated text). Alan to confirm other sections later on. | ICANN org |
| |||
233 | #45 |
| Jean-Baptiste to double check position of graphs in Law Enforcement google docs | ICANN org |
| |||
232 | #44 |
| Reminder to be sent out to the review team on open action items. | ICANN org |
| |||
231 | #44 |
| Alan to contact Erika on Consumer Trust section | Alan | ||||
230 | #44 |
| Lili to adress Alan's comment, and ask whether Alan/Jackie should address it | Lili | ||||
229 | #44 |
| ICANN org to keep a track of review team members who did not confirm approval on recommendations | ICANN org |
| |||
226 | #43 |
| Share engagement session description for ICANN64. | ICANN org |
| |||
225 | #43 |
| Send out 4 plenary call meeting invitations (7, 14, 21, 28/01), leadership call on 2 January. | ICANN org |
| |||
224 | #43 |
| Susan to review the three recommendations where consensus was reached on last plenary call. ICANN org to send out a reminder. | Susan |
| |||
222 | #43 |
| R5.1 ICANN org to ask Lili whether she wants to update the section in relation to the new recommendation. | ICANN org |
| |||
220 | #41 |
| Alan to confirm fact sheets and workplan can be considered approved and posted on the wiki. | Alan |
| |||
219 | #41 |
| Update face-to-face meeting #4 draft agenda based on comments received from leadership | ICANN org |
| |||
218 | #40 |
| Plenary Call #41 agenda, add the following items:
| ICANN org |
| |||
217 | #40 |
| Confirm whether the ICANN Style Guide can be shared outside of ICANN org. | ICANN org |
| |||
216 | #39 |
| ICANN org to start looking for a technical writer. | ICANN org |
| |||
215 | #39 |
| ICANN63 video:
| ICANN org | Invitation sent. |
| ||
214 | #39 |
| Webinar:
| Alan/Cathrin/ICANN org |
| |||
213 | #38 |
| Draft Report: ICANN org to circulate redline and clean to RT but no comment window is needed; text is considered ready to publish at that point | ICANN org |
| |||
212 | #38 |
| Draft Report edits: Alan's redlines that are not marked "next version" to be applied by ICANN org today, except: - updates to recommendation text of R.1.3 should not be applied at this time - AG17: timeline to be updated on p33. "The Working Group started meeting in January 2016 - AG23: remove first sentence, letting the second sentence state the point more clearly - comment on section 3.10.6: remove "thus will", remove "be" in "there is be" | ICANN org | ||||
211 | #38 |
| Public Comment Form: ICANN org to finalize and send to leadership. | ICANN org |
| |||
210 | #38 |
| Webinar: ICANN org to prepare slides deck to be used for webinar and ICANN63, using Exec Summary as level of detail for presenting results | ICANN org |
| |||
209 | #38 |
| Webinar: Look into possibility on 17 September to schedule two webinars (90 mins each), one at 15:00 UTC and one at 21:00 UTC. | ICANN org |
| |||
208 | #38 |
| Public Comment Announcement: re-circulate the public comment announcement to leaders, leaders to confirm approval today. | ICANN org |
| |||
207 | #37 |
| 17 August/24 August calls with Alan to be scheduled at 12:00 UTC to confirm timing of agenda items and refine the agenda, as needed. | ICANN org | Calls were scheduled. |
| ||
206 | #37 |
| Add Bylaw amendments as agenda item for call #39. | ICANN org |
| |||
205 | #37 |
| In meeting objectives for F2F#4 , point #2 should be “finalize recommendations”, point #3 “finalize report contents”. | ICANN org |
| |||
203 | #37 |
| ICANN org to produce consolidated draft report without redlines. RT can refer to last subgroup report for redlined substantive changes made since 30 July. | ICANN org |
| |||
202 | #37 |
| Executive summary to be inserted “as is” into draft report. | ICANN org |
| |||
201 | #37 |
| ICANN org to incorporate Alan's text on OECD as proposed in the consolidated draft, and Alan to propose additional text for discussion on call #39. | ICANN org |
| |||
200 | #37 |
| Susan/Lisa to circulate new section on compliance today. If Stephanie has edits on Susan's proposed language relative to risk-based approach, she can suggest them as part of round of comments on draft report. | Susan/Lisa |
| |||
199 | #37 |
| Common interface, Anything new will be flagged in the consolidated report as not reviewed yet. These items should be raised on plenary call #39. | ICANN org |
| |||
198 | #37 |
| Susan to review proposed language from Volker on grandfathering and suggest alternative by COB today. This item should be discussed on plenary call #39. | Susan |
| |||
197 | #36 |
| Support team to send a message out to review team to flag outstanding objective item for any comments. | ICANN org |
| |||
196 | #36 |
| Plenary call agenda #37: Add status report on work commitments to plenary agenda. Under status report, (a) overview of current status [staff] (b) plan to address missing reports [rapporteurs] | ICANN org |
| |||
195 | #36 |
| Face-to-Face Meeting #4: Send a note to the review team to enquire whether anyone is participating in any of the three events listed in November/December, or whether they have any other firm commitment on these dates that would prevent them to attend a 3-day meeting | ICANN org |
| |||
193 | #36 |
| Leaders to review meeting report by 3 August and advise whether can be posted on the wiki by 3 August. | Leaders |
| |||
191 | #35 |
| Review of Stephanie's comments on Face-to-Face Meeting #2 meeting report:
| ICANN org |
| |||
190 | #34 |
| Send another email on participation to next plenary call | ICANN org |
| |||
189 | #34 |
| Prepare a rough schedule and start assigning time per subgroup (taking into account Cathrin's absence on Friday afternoon - Cathrin interested in participating in discussions on P/P, compliance and accuracy), and pass it by subgroup rapporteurs to sign on this. | ICANN org |
| |||
188 | #34 |
| Finish populating tools and submit them to subgroups (no need to share with leadership first) | ICANN org |
| |||
185 | #33 |
| Update subgroup reports based on input received from community at ICANN62 (incl. rec. 4.3, 4.7...) | Rapporteurs |
| |||
182 | #32 |
| Review and update slide 58 (Law Enforcement Needs) by COB today. | Cathrin |
| |||
179 | #32 |
| WHOIS1 Recs #15-16 (slide 53): change text to "concern about this recommendation has been expressed and will be reviewed." | ICANN org |
| |||
177 | #32 |
| Rec. #4 Compliance: Review and update section, attention needed to grandfathering and audit recommendations. | Susan |
| |||
176 | #32 |
| Rec. #1 Strategic Priority: Review and update section | Cathrin |
| |||
171 | #30 |
| Discuss timing of survey with LE Needs subgroup | Cathrin |
| |||
169 | #30 |
| Review Lili's proposed addition to the Rec 10 P/P report and facilitate resolution | Alan | Face-to-Face Meeting #3 |
| ||
168 | #30 |
| Review Rec 15-16 draft report for alignment with Rec 1 report | Cathrin | Face-to-Face Meeting #3 |
| ||
166 | #30 |
| Reach out to Rapporteurs to emphasize key steps needed: 1) include recs with rationale in subgroup report; 2) do not assume silence means agreement within subgroup - reach out to subgroup members; 3) subgroups that originated recommendations to include findings and analysis in their report, even if the recommendation may eventually move to another report | Alan |
| |||
165 | #29 |
| Review comments from Stephanie on face-to-face meeting #2 report and confirm whether these should be incorporated/removed/considered. | Leaders |
| |||
204 | #37 |
| ICANN org to confirm face-to-face meeting #4 location: Brussels | ICANN org |
| |||
194 | #36 |
| Support team to reach out to rapporteurs on individual basis to remind them of Friday deadline for completing action items and addressing items listed in gap assessment tools. | ICANN org | Individual follow-up with rapporteurs. |
| ||
192 | #35 |
| ICANN org to look into Alan's question on messages on whether ICANN accepts the credentials from the people who will be doing the survey. Why is ICANN org involved in identifying whether someone is legitimate or not to complete the survey? | ICANN org | Law Enforcement Needs #3 |
| ||
187 | #33 |
| ICANN63 face-to-face meeting/engagement session to be discussed on next plenary | Review Team |
| |||
186 | #33 |
| Send out an email to review team to confirm attendance on next plenary call and remind all that there are only two weeks are left before the face-to-face meeting. | ICANN org |
| |||
184 | #32 |
| ICANN org to send out a doodle for a leadership call on tuesday 3 July or thursday 5 July. | ICANN org |
| |||
183 | #32 |
| ICANN org to provide leadership team with F2F transcript section covering Stephanie's objection | ICANN org |
| |||
181 | #32 |
| Alan to send an individual email out to the Rapporteurs who haven't confirmed whether wish to present at ICANN62 (Erika and Carlton wish to present - Lili and Dmitry are not attending in person). Susan volunteered to present compliance, PP, common interface, and anything new if rapporteurs do not wish to present. | Alan | Email, Email, Email, Email, Email |
| ||
180 | #32 |
| Objective 2 Anything New: Susan/Lisa to work on Slide 56 and share with review team by EOD. | Susan/Lisa |
| |||
178 | #32 |
| Rec #10 - Privacy/Proxy Services: Alan to remind Volker on updates needed. | Alan |
| |||
175 | #31 |
| Plenary Call #32:
| ICANN org | Plenary Call #32 |
| ||
170 | #30 |
| Send a reminder to Rapporteurs to enquire whether they plan to be in Panama and wish to present their relevant section | Alan |
| |||
172 | #31 |
| ICANN62 slide deck
| ICANN org |
| |||
174 | #31 |
| Subgroup Status Updates: ICANN org to send out a reminder about today's deadline for comments on subgroup reports | ICANN org |
| |||
167 | #30 |
| Clarify briefing request related to Safeguarding Registrant Data | Alan |
| |||
162 | #29 |
| Short-Term Options: Cathrin & Susan to review the draft note sent by Alan on the RT list | Cathrin, Susan |
| ||
164 | #29 |
| Send out an email to the review team, inviting rapporteurs to confirm approval of subgroup report and sharing it with the review team once approved by Friday 1 June 23:59 UTC. | Alan | Overdue. | |||
160 | #28 |
| ICANN org to confirm who on the review team will be present at ICANN62. | ICANN org | All except Dmitry and Lili will attend ICANN62. |
| ||
161 |
| Revise the Documents tables on the sub-group pages to have one table line per entry. | ICANN org |
| ||||
163 | #29 |
| Alan to liaise with Dmitry on RT decision to accept Theresa Swinehart's offer and request that the RDS-WHOIS2 Review be removed from the Public Comment on Short-Term Options to Adjust the Timeline for Specific Reviews. | Alan |
| |||
157 |
| Provide the details of exactly how much was budgeted in FY17 and FY18 as well as the total expenses for FY17. | ICANN org |
| ||||
156 | #27 |
| Per Alan's request, ICANN org to provide budget numbers as of the end of April (ie after the 2nd F2F). | ICANN org |
| |||
154 | #27 |
| Alan to send out an email to the review team to suggest moving the plenary call time to 15:00 UTC on Mondays | Alan | Covered on plenary call #29 + Email |
| ||
153 | #27 |
| ICANN org to provide answers on questions raised on "Short-Term Options to Adjust the Timeline for Specific Reviews", including providing rationale for financials estimate announced in public comment period. | ICANN org |
| |||
152 | #26 |
| ICANN org to send out an email to the Review Team regarding public holidays on 21 & 28 May | ICANN org |
| |||
151 | #26 |
| Alan to send an email out to the review team asking rapporteurs for a progress update and to confirm that they intend to submit their final subgroup report by 24 May deadline | Alan |
| |||
150 | #26 |
| Alan to contact Volker "to determine if the matters that prevented them from participating actively are expected to continue in the future." | Alan |
| |||
149 | #25 |
| Send reminders on "old" open action items to concerned subgroups. | ICANN org | Email reminders sent to subgroups. Example |
| ||
148 | #25 |
| Alan to follow up with Thomas & Volker on action item identified at the face-to-face meeting #2: "Leadership to contact Volker and Thomas to determine if the matters that prevented them from participating actively are expected to continue." | Alan | Email + Email |
| ||
159 | #28 |
| Alan to reply to Volker’s email (via the rec #10 Privacy/Proxy Services mailing list) on his request to postpone the subgroup report deadline | Alan | ||||
158 | #28 |
| Short-Term Options to Adjust the Timeline for Specific Reviews: Leadership (Alan) to share email from Theresa Swinehart with the review team. | Alan | Email sent off list. |
| ||
155 | #27 |
| ICANN org to send out a reminder to the review team to fill in the Face-to-Face Meeting #3 doodle poll | ICANN org | Reminder was sent individually to RT members who had not yet responded. |
| ||
141 | #23 | Prepare a poll for RT members for a 2 days face-to-face meeting in August (first two weeks) | ICANN org | CLOSEd |
| |||
147 | #24 |
| ICANN org to liaise with Susan on fact sheets (thru 28 February 2018) approval | ICANN org | Fact sheets were approved. |
| ||
146 | #24 |
| Provide request form Cross-Comm session to Alan, along with an example of an engagement session description | ICANN org | Provided via leadership skype channel |
| ||
145 | #24 |
| Send recurring meeting appointment for Monday at the identified time (starting 30 April) | ICANN org | Invitation sent to Review Team. |
| ||
144 | #24 |
| Alan to send proposed edits for meeting objectives (day 1 and day 3) by COB | Alan |
| |||
143 | #24 |
| ICANN org to schedule preparatory meeting at 06:00 UTC - 08:00 CET | ICANN org | Invitation sent to leaders. |
| ||
142 | #24 |
| Leaders to reach out to Lili at face-to-face meeting to enquire whether can take over law enforcement subgroup activities | Leaders |
| |||
140 | #23 |
| Regularly check in with rapporteurs on subgroup report progress | ICANN org |
| |||
139 | #23 | Prepare an overview of rapporteurs updates and their allocated time at the face-to-face meeting in a document/slide | ICANN org |
| |||
136 | #23 | Provide a draft subgroup report for Common Interface Subgroup which includes clarifications on potential areas of overlap with other subgroups | ICANN org |
| |||
138 | #23 | Invert on face-to-face meeting agenda items 2 and 1 on day 1 | ICANN org |
| |||
137 | #23 |
| Reiterate ask for Erika to share draft subgroup report (google doc) with subgroup | ICANN org | Email sent off-list to Erika. |
| ||
135 | #23 |
| On plenary call #25 consider potential overlap between subgroups (e.g. Common Interface Subgroup and Outreach Subgroup) | Leaders | Overdue |
| ||
134 | #23 |
| Pre-populate subgroup report for Safeguarding Registrant Data Subgroup | ICANN org | ||||
133 | #22 | Plenary agenda: Add slides on where to find information and useful functions on the wiki. | ICANN org |
| |||
132 | #22 | Help on subgroup report first draft for Compliance, and Privacy/Proxy Services subgroup. | ICANN org |
| Sent to Rapporteurs |
| ||
131 | #22 | Prepare PowerPoint template slides for the FtoF meeting #2 to be used subgroups to present their findings. ICANN org to forward templates to subgroups via email. | ICANN org |
| Slides |
| ||
129 | #22 |
| Anything New: Reach out to Stephanie on doodle and subgroup progress. | Susan |
| ||
130 | #22 |
| Cathrin to send out subgroup timing suggestions for FtoF meeting #2 agenda via email to the review team | Cathrin | email sent to review team. |
| ||
128 | #21 |
| Fact Sheets: ICANN org to forward correct version of the Participation Sheet to Susan for approval. | ICANN org | Email sent to Susan. |
| ||
127 | #21 |
| Plenary Call Agenda: Add safeguards registrant data subgroup under item 2. | ICANN org | See agenda for plenary call #23. |
| ||
126 | #21 |
| Plenary Call Schedule: ICANN org to remind Alan, Carlton & Stephanie to confirm their availability | ICANN org | email reminders sent. |
| ||
125 | #21 |
| Compliance: Susan to respond to last email and provide more details by the end of this week. | Susan | Susan sent additional questions via email. |
| ||
124 | #21 |
| Anything New: ICANN org to set a doodle for a 90 min call for Alan, Susan, Stephanie to focus on anything new | ICANN org | Doodle sent out to subgroup |
| ||
123 | #21 |
| Outreach subgroup:
| ICANN org | Doodle sent out to subgroup, and request sent out to SME. |
| ||
122 | #21 |
| ICANN org to reach out to Chris to confirm whether he can attend plenary call #23 | ICANN org | email sent individually to Chris. He confirmed he will attend the plenary call #23. |
| ||
121 | #21 |
| Susan to reach out to Stephanie to confirm attendance of plenary meeting | Susan | Stephanie was present on the call. |
| ||
120 | #21 |
| Face-to-Face meeting agenda:
| ICANN org | New agenda version shared with leadership via email. |
| ||
119 | #21 |
| Plenary call: Include a link to subgroups draft report | ICANN org | See slides on plenary call #23. |
| ||
118 | #20 |
| Fact Sheets: Participation and Milestones Fact Sheets were shared via email, review and confirmation needed that they can be posted on the wiki by Wednesday 7 March 2018 COB. | Susan | Updated version shared with Susan for approval. |
| Susan confirmed approval via email. | |
117 | #20 |
| Plenary call invitations to be sent for March 23, April 2, 6 | ICANN org |
| |||
116 | #20 |
| Plenary call schedule: ICANN org to send out to review team members the excel sheet to confirm their availability for future plenary calls, deadline to confirm availability no later than 9 March, 2018. | ICANN org | ||||
115 | #20 |
| Update on Subgroups: Rec#4 - Compliance: ICANN org to schedule a subgroup call for compliance on Monday or Tuesday next week. Susan to confirm available time slots with Jean-Baptiste. | ICANN org | ||||
113 | #20 |
| Update on Subgroups: ICANN org to follow up with rapporteurs of subgroups which have not met yet, and schedule the subgroup call based on rapporteur's availability. | ICANN org | ICANN org followed up individually with rapporteurs. |
| ||
112 | #20 |
| Update on Subgroups: Safeguard Registrant Data: Alan to work this Friday on briefing needs, and specific questions. | Alan |
| |||
111 | #20 |
| Blog post: ICANN org draft a note on blog post on behalf of review team leadership, to be addressed to so/ac leadership. | ICANN org | ||||
109 | #19 | Face-to-Face meeting #2 Agenda: Susan to liaise with Volker on privacy/proxy services subgroup on input needed. | Susan |
| Susan reached out to Volker on first pass final questions, but also volunteered to be the rapporteur at FtoF Meeting #2. | |||
107 | #19 |
| Face-to-Face meeting #2 Agenda: Set a deadline for 5 April for subgroups to circulate their subgroup reports to the review team. Add deadline on agenda for FtoF Meeting, and start fleshing out agenda. | ICANN org |
| |||
98 | #17 | Add ICANN62 engagement session to Brussels face-to-face meeting agenda | ICANN org/Leaders | |||||
114 | #20 |
| Update on Subgroups: ICANN org to send a note to rapporteurs who have not confirmed/forwarded first draft documents to their subgroups, informing them that once the given deadline has passed the documents will be forwarded to their respective subgroup. | ICANN org | Rapporteurs have forwarded documents to their subgroups. See example email. |
| ||
110 | #19 |
| Plenary meeting agenda:
| ICANN org |
| Agenda was updated and sent via email to the review team. | ||
106 | #19 | Blog Post: 1) Revise spacing between paragraphs, change ICANN Org to ICANN organization, change RT to review team. 2) Share blog post with review team ahead of Friday's plenary call. | ICANN org |
| Blog post was published on icann.org | |||
108 | #19 | Face-to-Face meeting #2 Agenda: ICANN org to liaise with Volker to check which days he can remotely participate. If unable to attend, plan next two plenary meetings so that he can attend and present his reports. | ICANN org | See email sent to Volker. | ||||
96 | #17 |
| Terms of Reference/Work Plan: Remove references to "draft" and send the documents to ICANN Board through support team | ICANN org/Leaders | See updated versions sent to Leadership for approval. |
| ||
105 | #17 |
| Follow up on travel to F2F meeting #2 in Brussels with Travel department | ICANN org |
| Update provided on plenary call #20 | ||
104 | #18 |
| Add blog post on "Terms of Reference and Workplan delivered and approved by the ICANN Board" on the plenary #20 agenda. | ICANN org |
| email sent to Review Team including updated agenda. | ||
103 | #18 |
| Add recommendation on registrant user data to plenary agenda | ICANN org |
| email sent to Review Team including updated agenda. | ||
102 | #18 |
| Change title #3 in plenary agenda #20 to subgroup membership review | ICANN org |
| email sent to Review Team including updated agenda. |
| |
101 | #18 |
| Liaise with groups where Volker is the rapporteur to provide an update on each subgroup | ICANN org |
| email sent to Privacy-Proxy Services and common interface subgroups. | ||
100 | #18 |
| Send an email to all subgroups on which Susan/Cathrin are not on to create incentives to deliver input to prepared for the ftof meeting in Brussels. | Alan | Alan sent an email to review team |
| ||
99 | #18 |
| Reach out to Team members who have not confirmed participation in the next plenary call to ensure they are joining this Monday's call. | ICANN org |
| See email sent to review team. |
| |
97 | #17 |
| Subgroups: Leaders to send answers for their respective subgroup to Review Team list to encourage subgroup rapporteurs to share their input and meet the deadline | Leaders | See email sent to review team |
| ||
95 | #16 |
| Review Team Structure: Ratify the leadership response to ccNSO | Review Team | See email sent to review team. |
| ||
94 | #16 |
| Plenary Call on Monday:
| ICANN org | Topic included on plenary call #17 agenda |
| ||
58 | #11 | Request for written WHOIS1 recommendations briefings: Alan to send a written request to ICANN org. | Alan | Formal request sent via email | ||||
90 | #16 |
| Subgroups: ICANN org to revisit resources matrix and make sure it is up-to-date and fix font | ICANN org | Updated and saved on the wiki. |
| ||
89 | #16 |
| Subgroups: Jean-Baptiste to liaise with Volker to ensure he had time to review all assigned workplans. | ICANN org | email sent to Volker. |
| ||
84 | #15 |
| Subgroups: Modify the Excel table of workgroups to include the number of first pass group members vs the desired number of members - this will help inform the group on whether resources need to be reallocated | ICANN org | table updated and shared on leadership call #15 |
| ||
93 | #16 |
| Plenary Call on Friday:
| ICANN org | Items added to slides for the plenary call. |
| ||
92 | #16 |
| Subgroups: ICANN org to set expectation in agenda email that rapporteurs (or subgroup member if rapporteur is unable to join call) will be asked to explain how they plan to carry through work, and be prepared for the face-to-face meeting. | ICANN org | email sent to Review Team |
| ||
91 | #16 |
| Subgroups: ICANN org to share original subgroup matrix with Alan, and save it on wiki subgroups page. Alan to update it by identifying which review team member do not have work in the short term | ICANN org | Alan updated matrix and shared it via email with the review team |
| ||
88 | #16 |
| Subgroups: Alan to send a message to Volker and Stephanie to ensure they will present their first pass planning document on Friday's plenary call | Alan | email sent to Stephanie and Volker. |
| ||
87 | #16 |
| Terms of Reference: by COB - 1 Feb, Alan to provide suggested text on how to reflect the phased approach into the Terms of Reference. | Alan | email sent to the Review Team. |
| ||
86 | #15 |
| ICANN org to provide information to Alan on his meeting participation matrix question. | ICANN org | email clarification sent to leadership. |
| ||
85 | #15 |
| Plenary meeting agenda: Add planning for Monday meeting between item 4 and 5 | ICANN org | email sent to Review Team |
| ||
83 | #15 |
| WHOIS1 recs Briefings Request: add a bullet pointing to the first pass reviews | Leaders | Briefings slide included in Plenary Call Agenda. |
| ||
82 | #15 |
| WHOIS1 recs Briefings Request: ICANN org to go back to transcript to clarify nature of WHOIS recommendations written briefing related suggestion from Trang. | ICANN org | Briefings slide included in Plenary Call Agenda. |
| ||
81 | #15 |
| Leaders to review work plan and to provide edits by COB - Thursday (if any) | Leaders | No comments. |
| ||
79 | #14 |
| ICANN org to provide an answer on questions raised by Alan on travel & finances. | ICANN org | email sent to leadership. |
| ||
78 | #14 |
| Plenary call agenda: Add Outreach discussion, FtoF meeting discussion, GDPR (Alan to lead discussion), | ICANN org | Include in email including the agenda: question to rapporteurs on workplan steps that they will be asked on the plenary call. |
| email sent to Review Team. | |
77 | #14 |
| Outreach paper:
| ICANN org |
| Version shared on plenary call #14. | ||
80 | #14 |
| Alan to confirm with ccNSO that the scope has not changed, ccing the review team | Alan | email sent to Katrina. |
| ||
76 | #13 | Fact Sheet: Leadership to discuss on who will partner with ICANN org to develop Fact Sheet. | RDS-WHOIS2-Leaders |
| Susan has volunteered to partner. | |||
44 | #9 | Consensus policy: Draft a document based on today's discussion | Alan | New ToR version shared via email. | ||||
67 | #12 | Subgroups: Rec #4: Susan to provide new times for meeting. | Susan | No request received from Susan. | ||||
29 | #7 | Review the Terms of Reference reporting section | Susan | No updated version received from Susan. | ||||
57 | #11 | Subgroups Matrix: Topic 2 - provide an update on status and timeline of briefing on summary of "what’s new ", before plenary meeting if possible. | ICANN org | |||||
66 | #12 | Terms of Reference & Work Plan: - Alan to follow up via email with review team on quorum needed once the plenary call invitation is sent. | Alan | |||||
72 | #13 | Workplan and Terms of Reference: Confirm process for sending the adopted Terms of Reference and work plan to the board caucus group and board | ICANN org | 22 December 2017 | email sent to leadership. |
| ||
64 | #12 | Face-to-Face Meetings, Travel, and Fact Sheet Discussion: - Face-to-Face Meeting presentation: - update the number of supported travelers. - Leadership requests line-item financials to correspond to totals shown in Fact Sheet. - Leadership calls to be included on fact sheet. - Remove estimated expenses for ICANN61 & ICANN62 from Committed Expenses. - Attendance Sheet: Sub team attendance can be added separately. | ICANN Org | 22 December 2017 | email sent to leadership. |
| ||
75 | #13 | Plenary Call Agendas - Add ICANN61 Face-to-Face scheduling to the December 8 plenary agenda - Adoption of Terms of Reference and Workplan should be listed before the GDPR Briefing on the agenda - Mention on plenary call /Send a note to review team that considering plenary meetings may end up earlier than the scheduled end time, they are invited to start their work on subgroups. |
| |||||
74 | #13 | Briefing Requests: GDPR briefing to be scheduled during this Monday's plenary call 11 Dec | ICANN Org | Plenary Call was cancelled. Presentation is postponed to January 2018. Leadership decided on call #14 to put this on hold. | ON HOLD | |||
73 | #13 | Subgroups: During December 8 plenary call, Leaders to do a “tour de table” and ask each subgroup leader to indicate plans and anticipated/realistic completion date for the first-pass work planning document for their subgroup |
| |||||
69 | #13 | ICANN61: - Discuss it during plenary call tomorrow. - Send out a doodle/email to RT members asking them to confirm their availability for face-to-face meeting on Wednesday/Thursday before ICANN61 and Friday/Saturday after ICANN61. |
| |||||
71 | #13 | Workplan and Terms of Reference: Review both documents on Friday’s plenary call, and seek approval on Monday’s call to leave enough time to the review team to review both documents. |
| |||||
70 | #13 | Workplan and Terms of Reference: Susan to liaise with Erika and Chris on comments to be submitted on the work plan. |
| |||||
68 | #12 | Subgroups: Compliance: ICANN org to send out meeting invitation for 3:00 PM UTC tomorrow. | ICANN org | |||||
59 | #11 | Contractual Compliance/RAA: ICANN org to send a reminder and copy RDS leadership. | ICANN org | |||||
30 | #7 | Scan through Terms of Reference and see how he can contribute | Alan | |||||
42 | #9 | Briefing on contractual compliance/RAA: ICANN org to liaise with Stephanie | ICANN org | |||||
65 | #12 | Terms of Reference & Work Plan: - Susan to liaise with Chris, Erika to kick off discussion on work plan review | Susan | Taskforce discussed actions needed on work plan before the #1 compliance subteam call started. | ||||
69 | #12 | Briefings: ICANN org to send a reminder to Carlton on his request raised in chat on last plenary call. | ICANN org | email sent to Carlton. | ||||
60 | #11 | Carlton's request on inclusing of WHOIS/RDS discussions (Board Level) in background material: Alan to clarify need with Carlton, sending an email to him and copying the leadership list. | Alan | Alan asked ICANN org to liaise with Carlton | email sent to Carlton. | |||
70 | #12 | - Schedule a plenary meeting on December Friday 8 – 13:30 to 15:00 UTC, and Monday 11 from 14:30 to 16:00 UTC. - Leadership Call to be moved to Mondays at 14:30 UTC. Next leadership call is kept next week on Thursday at 16:30 UTC. | ICANN org | |||||
63 | #11 | Travel, Budget, Fact Sheet discussion: Charla invited to answer questions ahead of leadership meeting if possible. | ICANN org | Charla to attend leadership meeting on 30 Nov, 2017 | ||||
62 | #11 | Leadership call #12: keep next leadership call at the same time (Thursday, 16:30 UTC). Check time with Cathrin, send another doodle if needed. | ICANN org | |||||
61 | #11 | Plenary call: Doodle to be sent out to Review Team with start time an hour earlier, or an hour later. 3 time slots for all 5 days. (Include the "if necessary" option) | ICANN org | Doodle poll | ||||
56 | #11 | Subgroups Matrix: ICANN org to send an email to Stephanie or Volker informing them that at this stage there is no confirmed date on when they will get input for topic 2. Let them decide who should be the leader. | ICANN org | |||||
55 | #11 | Subgroups Matrix: Highlight on the matrix who is the leader of each subgroup | ICANN org | |||||
54 | #11 | Subgroups Matrix: Circulate a subgroup recap to the Review Team once Stephanie & Volker have confirmed. | ICANN org | |||||
53 | #11 | Terms of Reference:
| Terms of Reference were updated and shared via email. | |||||
51 | #10 | Adjust work plan /ToR submissions to Nov 28th | ICANN org | New version included in email sent to Review Team. | ||||
50 | #10 | Staff to check time of leadership call with ALAC/GNSO call 1630 UTC, and to check with Cathrin that new time calls work | ICANN org | Email sent to Gisella to confirm Alan's availability. Cathrin confirmed availability via email. | ||||
49 | #10 | Scope of review - remove required action from plenary agenda | ICANN org | Done. | ||||
46 | #10 | Ask RT members to select two subgroups they would be interested in leading (Leader/Rapporteur). Include definition of what role entails. Ask RT members to select two with priority order by next RT call | ICANN org | Email sent to review team. | ||||
52 | #10 | Fact Sheet: Provide answers on questions raised by Leadership | ICANN Org | |||||
48 | #10 | Cochairs to run in-depth analysis of ToR. Reach out to Cathrin separately. Send out the Tor to list with call for changes at plenary meeting | Co-chairs | |||||
47 | #10 | On plenary call, ask for volunteers for in-depth analysis of work plan | Alan | |||||
45 | #9 | Workplan: Send a reminder to rt members to share comments/questions on the work plan | Alan | |||||
43 | #9 | Scope: latest version (word) will be sent to Katrina. | Alan | |||||
41 | #9 | Subgroup report:
| ICANN org | Updated version sent with plenary agenda via email. | ||||
40 | #9 | First Pass Planning Document: Target to send refined version by the end of this week. Cathrin to refine the document with Alice's help. | Cathrin | Updated version sent with plenary agenda via email. | ||||
39 | #9 | Scope and Objectives Document: Update document with two draft action items and circulate to the review team | ICANN org | Updated version sent with plenary agenda via email. | ||||
38 | #8 | FtoF Meeting #1 Action items:
| email including updated documents sent to the Review Team. | ||||
37 | #8 | Scope & Objectives: ICANN org to circulate Scope & Objectives document to the RT. | ICANN org | email including updated documents sent to the Review Team. | ||||
36 | #8 | RDS-WHOIS2 Objectives & Expressions of interest from RT members: ICANN org to update Table to reflect the decisions that were made on the call and shared with the Review Team as updated for discussion on Thursday. | ICANN org | email including updated documents sent to the Review Team. | ||||
35 | #8 | Questions on WHOIS1 Implementation Briefings: Leadership to raise any objections on implementation briefing questions by COB, today. | Leadership | Alan shared comments via email. | ||||
34 | #8 | Work plan: ICANN org to share work plan with Review Team and ask for in-detail review of the document in preparation for the cal | ICANN org | email including updated documents sent to the Review Team. | ||||
27 | #6 | Provide leadership with a comparison of costs between a face to face meeting outside of and within ICANN Meeting dates. | ICANN org | Presentation scheduled during the first face-to-face meeting / day 2 | ||||
9 | #3 | Brussels FtoF meeting: Send arrival date/time to leadership (if available) | ICANN org | / | CLOSED | |||
31 | #7 | Send a reminder to Review Team on scheduling of ICANN 60 informal meeting and to flag it during plenary call | ICANN org | email sent to the Review Team. | ||||
28 | #6 | Circulate the workplan to the review team. It will be presented at later stage (plenary call on Sept 28 or face to face meeting #1) | ICANN org | Workplan was presented during the first face-to-face meeting. | ||||
20 | #5 | Include information on logistics (how to get to the meeting/hotel from the airport), security | ICANN org | email sent to the review team. | ||||
25 | #6 | Provide an analysis of what would be the best timing taking into consideration time zones of RT members, and schedule plenary calls each week (after the face-to-face meeting) based on this analysis of the most appropriate meeting time. | ICANN org | Analysis sent via email to leadership. | ||||
26 | #6 | Send out a doodle to request review team members availability at ICANN60 (breakfast/dinner), send a copy to Alan/Gisela first to confirm availability on proposed dates. | ICANN org | Doodle sent via email to Review Team | ||||
24 | #5 | Draft dependencies section to replace "Across-Field" by "Cross-Field" | ICANN org | Change made to Terms of Reference and shared via email to Review Team. | ||||
13 | #4 | Cathrin to produce draft text reflecting RT's discussion on law enforcement objectives, including possible methodology to obtain targeted community input on objectives, for RT to formulate recommendations w/r/t WHOIS meeting them. | Cathrin | Document sent via email to leadership. | ||||
33 | #7 | Scope: Incorporate issues raised in Alan's document into the scope document prepared by ICANN org, and to circulate merged scope doc (including Susan's feedback) to leadership for approval to relay to RT. | ICANN org | Document sent via email to leadership. | ||||
18 | #4 | Leadership to encourage Review Team members at next plenary meeting to attend/listen to future RDS PDP calls. | ICANN org | Done on plenary call #6. | ||||
21 | #5 | ICANN org to reach out to Cathrin and confirm this a supporting document. | ICANN org | Lisa reached out directly via email to Cathrin | ||||
22 | #5 | Share Scope document ahead of plenary call, and posted on the wiki | ICANN org | Scope document sent via email to the Review Team. | ||||
19 | #5 | Send out FtoF meeting agenda asap to the review team and invite for comments | ICANN org | FtoF meeting agenda sent via email to the Review Team. | ||||
25 | #5 | Review and approve Fact Sheet, to be published on the RDS-WHOIS2-RT | Alan | Approval sent via email. | ||||
23 | #5 | Draft OECD Objective: Replace RDS by RDS/WHOIS and add footnote after high-level recommendations stating "This will not include detailed analysis of data protection laws and specific requirements for compliance with those laws." Draft to be provided to the RT for consideration and discussion. | ICANN org | email sent to the Review Team. | ||||
17 | #4 | Alan to send a reminder on Scope discussion and on WHOIS implementation briefings preliminary questions. | Alan | Reminder sent via email to the Review Team. | ||||
15 | #4 | ICANN Org to send a reminder to Stephanie Perrin on suggested language on effectiveness component. | ICANN org | Reminder sent via email to Stephanie. | ||||
14 | #4 | ICANN Org to produce draft text for leadership to refine reflecting OECD component of bylaws mandate. | ICANN org | Document sent via email to the Review Team. |
| |||
16 | #4 | Alan to suggest draft text on replacement and removal of members for Review Team Consideration; and share it with the leadership. | Alan | Alan sent paragraph via email. | ||||
12 | #4 | ICANN org to update table to split bylaws item (ii) into effectiveness and meeting needs, and to expand the issue column to include the actual bylaws text. Result to be shared with leadership for review of especially decision column to ensure accurate reflection of call #5. Updated table, including leadership feedback if any, to be distributed to RT in advance of call #6. | ICANN org | Email sent to leadership. |
| |||
10 | #3 | Include leadership slide, brief Brussels schedule, implementation slides (after welcome) on Thursday call’s agenda | ICANN org | Slides circulated via email to the RT. | ||||
11 | #3 | Send homework reminder to list | Alan | / | / | Homework sent via email to the RT. | ||
8 | #2 | Email PDFs of latest WHOIS RT1 Implementation Reports to Review Team for information, with request to please read report going forward to identify questions to be addressed by implementation briefings. | ICANN org | / | Sent via email to the RT. | |||
7 | #2 | Email RT requesting all to review WHOIS RT1 Report / list of recommendations: http://www.icann.org/en/about/aoc-review/whois/final-report-11may12-en.pdf. | Alan | / | Sent via email to the RT. | |||
6 | #2 | Terms of Reference Template to be distributed to Review Team no less than 24 hour in advance of Thursday's plenary call, and briefly introduced during call. | ICANN org | / | Sent via email to the RT | |||
5 | #2 | Send page on limited scope and responses to leadership team to serve as intro to scope discussion. | ICANN org | / | Sent via email to the RDS-WHOIS2 leadership | |||
4 | #2 | Create Skype group chat for RDS-WHOIS2-RT leadership including leaders and staff. | ICANN org | / | Confirmation message sent via Skype. | |||
3 | #2 | Prepare the draft plenary call agenda and materials to be sent to the leadership for review before its circulated to the RT members. | ICANN org | / | Sent via email to the RDS-WHOIS2 leadership. | |||
2 | #1 | Send out a doodle poll for Monday & Tuesday to determine the right timing for leadership calls. | ICANN org | Sent via email to the RDS-WHOIS2 leadership. | ||||
1 | #1 | Leadership mailing list can be made public. | ICANN org | Email list made public. |