Meeting # 9 - 2-3 October 2017

Meeting # 9 - 2-3 October 2017

Attendees, Recordings & Transcripts



Day 1 - Monday 2 October 2017 - 09:00 - 17:30 (CET) / 07:00-15:30 (UTC) [Time Zone Converter]


Team:  Alan Greenberg, Susan Kawaguchi, Dmitry Belyavsky, Chris Disspain, Volker Greimann, Carlton Samuels, Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, Lili Sun, Erika Mann

Remote Participants: Stephanie Perrin, Thomas Walden

Observers: Marc Anderson

ICANN Org:  Alice Jansen, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Lisa Phifer, Larisa Gurnick, Negar Farzinnia, Patrick Dodson, Trang Nguyen, Theresa Swinehart, Brenda Brewer (remote)



TRANSCRIPTS: AM Session | PM Session



Day 2 - Tuesday 3 October 2017 - 09:00 - 17:30 (CET) / 07:00-15:30 (UTC) [Time Zone Converter]


Team:  Alan Greenberg, Susan Kawaguchi, Dmitry Belyavsky, Chris Disspain, Volker Greimann, Carlton Samuels, Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, Lili Sun, Erika Mann

Remote Participants: Stephanie Perrin, Thomas Walden

Observers: Marc Anderson

ICANN Org: Alice Jansen, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Lisa Phifer, Larisa Gurnick, Negar Farzinnia, Patrick Dodson, Trang Nguyen, Theresa Swinehart, Akram Atallah, Brenda Brewer (remote)



TRANSCRIPTS: AM Session | PM Session




Read the meeting summary here.

Join the First Face-to-Face Meeting of the Registration Directory Services Review Team (RDS-WHOIS2)

Are you interested in the effectiveness of the current RDS (formerly known as WHOIS) and its ability to meet legitimate needs for general top-level domain registration data while safeguarding that data? Join the RDS-WHOIS2 Review Team at its first face-to-face meeting on 2 – 3 October in Brussels.

At this meeting, members of the ICANN organization will brief the RDS-WHOIS2 Review Team on ICANN’s implementation of the first WHOIS Review Team’s recommendations. The Review Team also plans to finalize and approve its terms of reference and work plan, including the scope of the work that will be undertaken by the team. The agreed scope of work will help define the lifecycle of this review effort, which may range from 6 -18 months depending on the scope of work that is adopted.

How Can I Attend?

  • In-Person: Send an email to mssi-secretariat@icann.org with your request to register for the meeting by 23:59 UTC on 28 September. Due to a limited number of seats, you must register to attend in-person.

Become an Observer

Community engagement is critical to a successful review. The Review Team invites anyone interested in its work to join this review as an observer at any time throughout the course of the review. Learn how to become an observer.

For more information on the RDS-WHOIS2 Review, visit the wiki home page.




6 Rond-Point Schuman

1040 Brussels, Belgium

Decisions Reached/Action Items


Decisions reached 

1. Interim leadership is confirmed to continue leading the full review (Alan Greenberg as Chair – Cathrin Bauer-Bulst and Susan Kawaguchi as Vice Chairs) 

2. Subgroups have a target of completing their recommendations by San Juan (ICANN61) 

3. Time of plenary call to be discussed after Abu Dhabi 

4. The ICANN60 informal meeting is confirmed for October 31 – 12:15-13:15 

5. Review Team reached preliminary agreements on scope, to be reflected in an updated Scope and Objectives table for review and insertion into ToR 

Action Items: 

1. Review Team members (Susan, Stephanie, Erika, Thomas, Carlton, Alan) to send completed Statement of Interests form and signed Conflict of Interest policy asap to staff list. Four Review Team Members had already completed their forms at the time of the face-to-face meeting. 

2. RDS/WHOIS2 leadership to confirm Stephanie’s request for a briefing on contractual compliance/RAA. This action item requires further clarification, Stephanie to clarify what the briefing should cover. 

3. Cathrin to look at three definitions of “law enforcement” and to suggest language for working definition. 

4. ICANN org to provide estimates on how many review team members will be funded to travel at ICANN meetings/would not incur travel expenses 

5. RDS/WHOIS2 leadership to communicate draft Scope identified at the Face-to-Face meeting to the ccNSO 

6. ICANN Org to come back to leadership with proposal suggested assignment for 1st pass scoping, based on expressed interests, to distribute workload across team and include one member of the leadership on each item. 

7. ICANN org to provide Cathrin with template for 1st pass scoping of effort/tasks required for each work area; Cathrin to further develop template for agreement by leadership. 

8. ICANN org to provide updated Scope and Objectives table to reflect tentative agreements reached during meeting. 

9. ICANN Org to reach out to Thomas on topics he would be interested to contribute to COMPLETE 

10. ICANN org to request meeting room for informal meeting with lunch provided at ICANN 60 on October 31 from 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM 

11. ICANN org to provide options and costs for F2F meetings before and after ICANN61 and ICANN62 

12. ICANN org to draft meeting communique for leadership review 

13. ICANN org to provide list of questions raised on WHOIS1 implementation reports for recs 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 15, 16 for leadership approval 

14. On Terms of Reference: Alan (with Susan’s help) to propose text describing consensus policy for the group 

15. On Terms of Reference: Any review team member who wishes to add a definition to the Terms of Reference should provide a draft definition by 12 October 

16. On Terms of Reference: ICANN org to draft text for deliverables and timeframes based on agreements reached in this meeting, for leadership review 

17. On work plan: ICANN org to circulate new version of the work plan by next