Meeting #38 - 30 August 2018 @ 15:30 UTC
Leadership Members: Susan Kawaguchi, Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, Alan Greenberg
ICANN Organization: Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Brenda Brewer, Lisa Phifer, Alice Jansen
Apologies: /
- Welcome, roll-call, SoI
- Draft Report Release
- Public Comment Announcement
- Webinar dates
- Public Comment Form
- Draft Report Edits
- A.O.B.
Documents: PDF
AC Chat: EN
Decisions Reached:
Schedule of calls:
- Cancel plenary call next week. Next call should be scheduled for 1 october.
- Keep leadership calls scheduled but revisit as necessary depending on agenda
Webinar: Leadership to present slides, rapporteurs to be invited to answer any questions on their subgroup's outputs
Action Items:
Public Comment Announcement: ICANN org to re-circulate the public comment announcement to leaders, leaders to confirm approval today.
- Look into possibility on 17 September to schedule two webinars (90 mins each), one at 15:00 UTC and one at 21:00 UTC.
- ICANN org to prepare slides deck to be used for webinar and ICANN63, using Exec Summary as level of detail for presenting results
- Leadership to present slides, rapporteurs to be invited to answer any questions on their subgroup's outputs
Public Comment Form: ICANN org to finalize and send to leadership for review.
Draft Report edits:
Alan's redlines that are not marked "next version" to be applied by ICANN org today, except:
- Updates to recommendation text of R.1.3 should not be applied at this time
- AG17: timeline to be updated on p33. "The Working Group started meeting in January 2016
- AG23: remove first sentence, letting the second sentence state the point more clearly
- comment on section 3.10.6: remove "thus will", remove "be" in "there is be"
ICANN org to circulate redline and clean to RT but no comment window is needed; text is considered ready to publish at that point.