2024-12-03 Transfer Policy Review PDP WG Call
2024-12-03 Transfer Policy Review PDP WG Call
The call for the Transfer Policy Review PDP Working Group will take place on Tuesday, 03 December 2024 at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/38x65rxm
- Welcome and Chair Updates
- Continue Review of Draft Revisions to Recs 3-28
- Begin Discussion of Recs 29-33
- Begin Discussion of Recs 34-46
Notes/ Action Items
- Link to Public Comment Review Tool (PCRT):https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lyX27uECA5bNKRw-UOIH2bAaTRvec1YkX1EKjtHCsAQ/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]
- Link to Rec Drafting Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YODFe-aZOi1AQ3c8f2-y8MXtcUU4PjzsByFzk-dpAD4/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]
Action Items: WG members to gather further input from their stakeholder group on Recommendation 18.
1.Welcome and Chair Updates
- Target to finalize initial comments by year-end, and to begin final report writing in January.
- Update on board liaison: Alan Barrett will join future meetings as a liaison to align the board with the working group’s progress on final report.
2.Continue Review of Draft Revisions to Recs 3-28
- Recommendation 18
- ICANN Org presented updates incorporating feedback to include a non-exhaustive list of reasons under “reasonable basis.”
- Ken Herman highlighted limited feedback from his stakeholder group, noting preference for specificity (18.3) but agreeing to leave the current text as-is until further input.
- Chair suggested retaining the itemized reasons and asked for WG members to bring this back to all their groups for further feedback on this.
- Decision: Keep the language as proposed, pending further stakeholder group feedback.
- Recommendation 21
- ICANN Org introduced updates requiring registrars to provide specific rationale and evidence, upon request, for denying a transfer due to fraud or DNS abuse.
- Rich Brown emphasized operational burdens of providing detailed evidence upfront and suggested “registrars may provide specific rationale/evidence upon requests” in the text.
- Theo Geurts explained the importance of registrars’ evidence collection process, aligning with DNS abuse mitigation, and already starts earlier in the process.
- Recommendation 22
- ICANN Org updated on additional language to Rec 22, where comments pointed out that mention of “lock” in this case can be confusing.
- Chair confirmed that proposed changes are fine and don’t change the substance of the recommendation.
- Recommendation 26
- ICANN Org presented comments to Rec where removing Section II.B. of the Transfer Policy was considered as too impactful.
- WG members pointed out that keeping the text seemed duplicative at the time.
- Members argued the content was redundant and not directly related to transfers but more to registration data policy.
- Zak Muscovitch suggested keeping the text related to updating registrant data.
- Discussion on keeping the word “confirmed” in 26.1. WG members discussed that it recommends removing the confirmation process and Designated Agent.
- Chair proposed removing the proposed language for 26.1.
- Recommendation 27
- ICANN Org presented the comment on clarifying the actions that a registrar would have to take if there was a potentially invalid or unauthorized change of registrant data.
- Chair and WG members pointed out that the above is part of a different policy and should not be covered by transfer policy.
- WG member inquired whether 27.8 is covered elsewhere, to which the Chair noted that CORD notifications are new. Therefore 27.8 will remain in place unless duplicative language is discovered.
- Recommendation 17
- Theo Geurts went back to his SG and inquired whether they can create a system where the registrant confirms the transfer within a reseller registrant portal, which would take an expansion of the API.
- Chair pointed out that some resellers might not want to implement an API/speed up system and obligations in the TPR do not oblige them to do so.
3.Begin Discussion of Recs 29-33
- Recommendation 29
- ICANN Org presented comments received to remove any reference to calendar days to avoid potential inconsistencies.
- ICANN Org also presented comments referring to a potential double standard where registrants are not granted the same leeway as Rrs in terms of timeline.
- WG members argued that extending the current timeline 4 hours to 24 hours is actually more registrant friendly. UDRP and URS remain out of scope for this WG.
- Recommendation 30
- ICANN Org presented comments that proposed the word “timely” in the Rec should be better defined.
- Chair explained that the current text gives enough flexibility, particularly since it discusses emergency situations.
- Recommendation 29
4.Begin Discussion of Recs 34-46