2024-04-02 Transfer Policy Review PDP WG Call
The call for the Transfer Policy Review PDP Working Group will take place on Tuesday, 02 April 2024 at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/25sbj93u
- Welcome and Chair Updates
- Input on Group 1(b) recommendations due on Tuesday, 9 April
2. Preview Group 1(b) Recommendations Impact Chart
3. Continued Discussion of Recommendation 17(a) (Established Customer)
4. Updates made as a result of last week's discussion
5. AOB
Apologies: Osvaldo Novoa (GNSO Council Liaison), Owen Smigelski (RrSG), Sarah Wyld (RrSG)
Alternates: Heidi Revels (RrSG), Rich Brown (RrSG)
Notes/ Action Items
1. Welcome and Chair Updates
- Attendees were reminded to complete the CORD Recommendations Worksheet:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_lZLOmNQJKqAsAqxHTv8W5TQeRIm58YvS4vCPIwEdbE/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]
- Input on Group 1(b) recommendations is due on Tuesday, 9 April.
- Chair opend the floor for questions:
- Questions were raised regarding the impact of opting out from notifications, considering security risks or reduction of spam.
- Operational issues for registrants and the rationale behind switching from confirmation to notification were discussed, emphasizing the need for clarity.
2. Preview Group 1(b) Recommendations Impact Chart
- CORD Impact Analysis doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15h3nZhNboNnQHVnOuib33YNvKe7rnHYShFIevyzurXY/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]
- The support staff team, along with Roger, assessed the impact of the recommendations, specifically for Group 1(b) CORD recommendations.
- Differences between proposed policy recommendations and current requirements in the transfer policy were highlighted.
- The importance of providing rationale for significant policy changes was emphasized to aid the working group in solidifying its recommendations.
- Attendees were informed that the document is subject to change and encouraged to contribute.
- The need for accompanying rationale for high-impact changes was stressed.
- Suggestions were made to adjust the coloring and assessment for neutrality and to include notes about changes driven by other policy or regulatory factors.
3.Continued Discussion of Recommendation 17(a) (Established Customer)
- Discussion continued from the previous meeting, addressing concerns raised by WG members regarding Recommendation 17(a).
- Attendees explored ideas or approaches that would not pose security concerns. Suggestions included clarifying the text, specifying criteria for established customers, and defining registrar obligations.
- Attendees deliberated on the duration of the established customer period and the need for additional rationale to explain implementation and enforcement.
- The importance of solid rationale and the likelihood of receiving comments without full context were emphasized.
4.Updates made as a result of last week's discussion
- Not discussed.
5.Any Other Business (AOB)
- Not discussed.