2024-02-06 Transfer Policy Review PDP WG Call
The call for the Transfer Policy Review PDP Working Group will take place on Tuesday, 06 February 2024 at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/mpnrptvm
- Welcome and Chair Updates
- Mandatory Notifications wrap-up
- "Change of Registrant Data" discussion
- CORD Availability and Placement (time allowing)
Apologies: Jody Kolker (RrSG), Osvaldo Novoa (GNSO Council Liaison), Juan Manuel Rojas
Alternates: Christopher Patterson (RrSG)
Notes/ Action Items
ACTION ITEMS/HOMEWORK: WG to complete the COR Reduction Rationale document at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DpDO2BYTl6TA7ApfPpG3Hpl13nrv4y4x9B3hImrx_Fc/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]
- Welcome and Chair updates
- Less than a month from ICANN79 – just four scheduled calls. Get our recommendations in place.
- Take self-assessment survey by Feb 21.
- COR Reduction Rationale doc still has no input – need to fill that out. See action item above.
- Zak, BC: Gave an update to BC – expressed their deep concern to remove all notifications and default locks. If that was a recommendation, would likely be a minority report:
- Question – what locks? Answer – Opt out to be accepted on a 60-day lock: BC would like to see a default lock that registrars could opt out, with consistency in application. BC is interested in reducing the lock but against removing it.
- That’s why we need the rationale document to be completed, such as the reason to remove the 60-day lock.
- Steinar, ALAC: Looks like at ICANN79 will discuss the COR with public participation – will provide info if that is the case.
2. Mandatory Notifications wrap-up – see attached slides, starting at slide #5:
- Second bullet point, which do we want? Are we saying generic your info was updated? Or confirm specific change? WG needs to decide.
- Stay away from the word “contact” – Suggest changing “contact information” to “registrant data”. Need to be clear.
- Prefer the message lists field that was updated but not what changed in the field.
- Look at the alert you get from a responsible bank as an example and minimize the amount of info provided in case the email was compromised and also avoid being too prescriptive.
- Question: Wasn’t there another item re: triggers? Answer: We still need to discuss.
- Ask ourselves what security goals we want to achieve if COR is not in the Transfer Policy.
- Sounds like the group is okay specifying what fields have changed, but not what in that field changed. Identify known RDDS field but not what.
- Question: Change of ownership with registrant data – who will see it (the old/new registrant)? Answer: That’s something that needs to be addressed. It depends, but I don’t think we can say how that would work. Need to get into these things more deeply.
Notifications – Opt Out Pros/Cons: See Slide 6
- Key point: registrant opt out.
- If account is hacked notification goes to fraudulent registrant. If registrant opted out wouldn’t get notifications.
- Need to look at what other industries do and why – should be a defensible rationale. It’s not about transfers – it’s about information changing.
- Could turn on by default and let registrant opt out.
- Uncomfortable with being able to turn off notifications – only the owner and only proactive.
- Don’t see the outcry from registrants getting emails.
- Could be situations when registrant would want to opt out.
- maybe it should be an account setting, but not a registrar default in their terms etc. That seems like a good middle ground.
- Agreement on mandatory with/without opt out.
- Support for the three minimum fields (name, org, email) as triggers – see #3 below.
- If there were a proactive opt out that might be okay if it was an informed decision.
- If multiple changes notifications should be able to be combined.
- Opt out okay if informed.
- If we do have a registrant opt out it should be the same across the board for all registrars.
- Note that we are talking about opting out of notifications, not locks. And should be consistently applied.
- Agree: Same fields as today; mandatory but registrant can actively choose to opt out.
3. "Change of Registrant Data" discussion -- see attached slides, starting at slide #7:
Discussion – slide 8 – Change of Registrant Data:
- Need to decide what is that minimum set of triggers.
- Prefer to keep the current set of triggers – second row. Ability to combine notifications is really helpful.
- Look at what needs to be notified for security purposes.
- Can still do verification even if combined.
- Support for the three minimum fields (name, org, email) as triggers.
Discussion – slide 9 – Material Change:
- Need to decide what is that minimum set of trigger.
- Include addition of data? That could be a material change if field was blank.
- WG supports leaving Material Change as is.
Discussion -- slide 10 – Privacy/Proxy/Designated agent
- Question: Remove Designated Agent? Answer: WG has decided it won’t be defined in policy.
- Registrar wouldn’t know if third-party privacy/proxy; If registrar does know, would a change trigger a notice? If assigned back to the registrant is that a notification?
- No matter what: WG is saying, it doesn’t matter if it’s privacy/proxy if any one of those three fields changes it will trigger a notification. Note that the PPSAI process is still being worked out.
- One of the important things is that it relates to the registrant data and not the PUBLIC data - so if the real data is redacted (not with P/P service) and is changed then the CORD is triggered.
Discussion -- slides 11 & 12 – Prior and New Registrant
- These terms are out of date.
- Send notification when data changes in those three fields – see above – to prior registrant.
- Is the opt out on the person or the domain name? Need to discuss details.
- Need to continue discussion at the next meeting.
4. CORD Availability and Placement (time allowing) -- see attached slides, starting at slide #13:
- Deferred to next meeting.
5. AOB: None.