2019-04-17 Sub team for Trademark Claims Data Review

2019-04-17 Sub team for Trademark Claims Data Review

The Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) Sub Team for Trademark Claims Data Review is scheduled on Wednesday, 17 April 2019 at 17:00 UTC for 60 minutes. 

10:00 PDT, 13:00 EDT, 19:00 Paris CEST, 22:00 Karachi PKT, (Thursday) 02:00 Tokyo JST, (Thursday) 03:00 Melbourne AEST

For other times: http://tinyurl.com/yyhkuw2b


  1. Review agenda/updates to Statements of Interest (SOIs)
  2. Zoom Introduction
  3. Development of Preliminary Recommendations:
    1. Continue review of agreed TM Claims Charter Question 2 (see attached summary table), in conjunction with Individual Proposals #1 and #12 (see attached PDFs)
    2. Discuss agreed TM Claims Charter Question 1 (see attached summary table), in conjunction with Individual Proposals #5 and #6 (see attached PDFs)
  4. AOB


[Claims Summary Table] (16 April 2019).pdf







Zoom Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar


Attendance & AC chat

Apologies:  Philip Corwin

Notes/ Action Items

Action Items:

  1. Staff will update the summary table based on the transcript from the 17 April meeting.
  2. Staff will open email threads on the Sub Team distribution list to facilitate drafting of the answers to charter questions and preliminary recommendations.
  3. Staff will send a message to the Sub Team concerning the homework/preparation for next week’s meeting.
  4. Sub Team members will be encouraged to continue discussions on the email threads and complete the homework.


Brief Notes:

Question 2(a):

-- Answer seems to go further than we discussed.  Think we discussed that there are limitations in the data.  A lack of data one way or the other. 

-- Staff referenced the transcript and tried to summarize the discussion.  If we have mischaracterized then we can check the transcript and update accordingly.

-- Drafting seems to be in the passive voice -- we should answer directly: yes or no.  Answer is no, but registries should have the option to extend.

Question 2(b):

-- Discussion but no agreement on shortening it, as no use cases to support.

Question 2(c):

-- Not consistent with 2(a), (b), and (d).  Need to make sure they are not contradictory.  Strike the first sentence, “The claims period should be mandatory…”

-- Thought when we were talking about flexibility it was the option to extend it -- not flexibility for business models.  Not sure this is supported by the responses from Registry Operators.

Question 2(d):

-- Some data indicated that there should be more nuance on who the claim should be applied to: what is the data?

-- Didn’t have data from the wider community on the applicability.

-- Could look at data from Sunrise.

-- Don’t agree that some TLDs should be exempt from the Claims RPMs (not sure that was agreed).  Can’t say that when we also say we need more information.

Question 2(e):

-- Discussed proposal from George Kirikos, #2.  Disagree: Don’t think the Sub Team should pass this on to the full WG.

-- Staff wasn’t sure if Individual Proposal #2 relates to Question 2(e).