Accessibility Sub-Team
Accessibility Sub-Team
This is the home page of the Accesibility Sub-Team.
From the Charter:
Accessibility: is the provision of Whois information at the registry level under the ‘thick’ Whois model more effective and cost-effective than a ‘thin’ model in protecting consumers and users of Whois data and intellectual property owners?
Mailing list archives: http://forum.icann.org/lists/Gnso-Accessibility-thickwhois/
- Jill Titzer (RrSG)
- Carlton Samuels (ALAC)
- Titi Akinsanmi (ALAC)
- Amr Elsadr (NCSG)
- Jennifer Wolfe (NomCom)
- Michael Shohat (RrSG)
- Evan Leibovitch (ALAC)
- Susan Prosser (RrSG)
- Tim Ruiz (RrSG)
- Jeff Neuman (RySG)
- Susan Kawaguchi (BC)
- Christopher E George (IPC)
- Don Blumenthal (RySG)
- Volker Greimann (RrSG)
- Mikey O’Connor.