Cost Implications Sub-Team

Cost Implications Sub-Team

This is the home page of the Cost Implications Sub-Team.

From the Charter:

Cost implications: what are the cost implications of a transition to 'thick' Whois for Registries, Registrars, registrants and other parties for all gTLDs? Conversely, what are the cost implications to Registries, Registrars, registrants and other parties if no transition is mandated?

Mailing list archives: http://forum.icann.org/lists/Gnso-cost-thickwhois/


  • Alan Greenberg (ALAC)
  • Jill Titzer (RrSG)
  • Michael Shohat (RrSG)
  • Jeff Neuman (RySG)
  • Christopher E George (IPC)
  • Don Blumenthal (RySG)
  • Marc Anderson (RySG)
  • Mikey O’Connor (ISPCPC)