Authoritativeness Sub-Team
Authoritativeness Sub-Team
This is the home page of the Authoritativeness Sub-Team.
From the Charter:
Authoritativeness: what are the implications of a ‘thin’ Registry possibly becoming authoritative for registrant Whois data following the transition from a thin-registry model to a thick-registry model. The Working Group should consider the term “authoritative” in both the technical (the repository of the authoritative data) and policy (who has authority over the data) meanings of the word when considering this issue.
Mailing list archives: http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-authoritative-thickwhois/
- Jill Titzer (RrSG)
- Titi Akinsanmi (ALAC)
- Amr Elsadr (NCSG)
- Tim Ruiz (RrSG)
- Jeff Neuman (RySG)
- Steve Metalitz (IPC) - lead
- Marc Anderson (RySG)
- Volker Greimann (RrSG)
- Ray Fassett (RySG)