Competition in Registry Services Sub-Team
Competition in Registry Services Sub-Team
This is the home page of the Competition in Registry Services Sub-Team.
From the Charter:
Competition in registry services: what would be the impact on competition in registry services should all Registries be required to provide Whois service using the ‘thick’ Whois model – would there be more, less or no difference with regard to competition in registry services?
Mailing list archives: http://forum.icann.org/lists/Gnso-competition-thickwhois/
- Alan Greenberg (ALAC)
- Jill Titzer (RrSG)
- Amr Elsadr (NCSG)
- Jeff Neuman (RySG)
- Jonathan Zuck (IPC)
- Steve Metalitz (IPC)
- Ray Fassett (RySG)