2016-10-24 New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP
The call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group is scheduled to take place on Monday, 24 October 2016 at 20:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
**NOTE: This is an optional session and will be used as a planning meeting to prepare for the face-to-face session at ICANN57.
13:00 PDT, 16:00 EDT, 21:00 London, 22:00 CEST
for other places see: http://tinyurl.com/zcb5cfz
Below, please find the proposed agenda
This meeting will be devoted to planning for the WG’s face-to-face session at ICANN57 and is therefore considered optional by the WG’s co-chairs.
- Welcome/Review Agenda
- SOIs
- ICANN57 planning
Dial outs: Amr Elsadr, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Kavouss Arasteh, Harold Arcos,
Apologies: Roger Carney, Amr Elsadr
On audio only: Gg Levine
New gTLD Subsequent Procedures face-to-face meeting at ICANN57: Thursday, 03 November 13:45-18:30. See: https://icann572016.sched.org/event/8cxk/gnso-new-gtld-subsequent-procedures-pdp-working-group-face-to-face-meeting.
Proposed ICANN57 Agenda – Draft, but subject to revision.
1. Welcome and introductions
2. Current Status (Overarching issues/CC1)
3. Work Track based discussions
1. Overarching issues/CC1:
- Work Track 3 -- rounds vs. first-come, first-served process. Everything else we had public discussion in Helsinki. Don't need to go over the overall topics again. Can stick to a status update, but won't go down any of the issues.
- Ask liaisons to CCT-RT, RPMs, to provide a brief update. Add as a new number 3 in the agenda.
- Work Track based discussions. Asked each WT to provide some teaser questions for community input.
2. Work Track (WT) based discussions
WT1: [reading from the draft agenda]
- Question 1: Help spur the conversation on the Applicant Support Program. Still looking for input. Question 2: Update based on input from Donna Austin. Question 2 should read: “From RSP Accreditation to Third-Party Certifier – What is the most effective method to meet the needs of RSPs, Registries and Registrars?”
- Also include applicants as this is one of the problems we're trying to solve and consider how they might be affected. Don't include if there isn't a specific concern.
WT2: [reading from the draft agenda]
- Question: Do we need more reserved names re the IANA transition? Such as PTI?
- Question 2, WT2: Since it is different between RNWG and what was the result in the AGB - especially for geographical names - there is a need to see those two documents in connection.
- Question: on our last call we were talking about top level and second level, for this question I think need to be clear what level we are talking about.
- We also have 2 characters, single character IDNs, etc. Also have IGOs. Red Cross, IOC, etc.
- Questions re: COI / LOC - we would appreciate feedback from applicant's experiences/ problems.
- CWG-UCTN is aiming to wrap up an Interim Report (aka Initial Report) around the end of this year. A progress report of sorts is being prepared for ICANN57 discussions.
WT3: 1) Rounds vs. Continuous (first come, first served). Impact on string contention. 2) Do we need an Independent Objector in future?
WT4: [reading from the draft agenda]
- Currently in consultations with JAS and other Stakeholder Groups.
- Change Question #1 -- not application submission process, but the application evaluation process.
General question: In the unlikely circumstance that we don't have a very talkative audience does anyone have some backup questions?
- If you are going to ask an open-ended question such as #1: you should create some rules about participating in order to manage the discussion, i.e., present you idea and why the change should be made - we will compile all the suggestions for discussion by the group.
- Registry agreement categories -- in the overall issues, have more discussion in Hyderabad? Handle in the appropriate track (WT2)? Yes.