2016-02-29 New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG
The next call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group is scheduled to take place on Monday, 29 February 2016 at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
08:00 PST, 1100 EST, 16:00 London, 17:00 CET, +1 03:00 Sydney
for other places see: http://tinyurl.com/za8mxp2
- Roll Call/SOIs
- Introduction of Leadership Team
- Agreement on Schedule of Meetings
- Discussion on Organization of Work
- Next Steps/Action Items/Next Meeting
Apologies: Amr Elsadr, Judy Okite, Roger Carney & Jacob Williams
On audio only: none
Notes/Action items:
1. Leadership Team: Make sure there are no blockers. Leadership team members may take up a point on a particular item, but will do it in coordination with the Leadership Team. Make clear what "hat" the member is wearing to avoid lack of clarity on positions.
Actions: None.
2. Schedule of Meetings:
-- Mondays are preferred.
-- 1/1 rotation between 1600 UTC and 2200 UTC.
-- Next meeting is in Marrakech on 10 March at 0900 to 1030 UTC
-- Resume the next call on Monday, 21 March at 2200 UTC
-- Have weekly meeting at the beginning
-- Start with 90-minute meetings
4. Organization of Work
-- Frontload the questions with high-level questions -- such as should there be new gTLD subsequent procedures -- with downstream impacts and what are the high-level principles
-- Work on the foundational questions as a larger group and then break into sub teams
-- Look at other work in the community (Nielson and Analysis Studies, CCT Review Team, SSAC, GAC, CWG Use of Country/Territory Names, PDP on RPMs, ALAC?)
Action Items
1. Agree on a work organization approach (done)
2. Assign subjects to work organizational framework
3. Develop work plan and finalize with milestones for intial and final report(s) at least. (Staff to work with Co-Chairs to draft an initial work plan)
4. Become familiar with existing policy recommendations from 2007 Final Report: http://gnso.icann.org/en/issues/new-gtlds/pdp-dec05-fr-parta-08aug07.htm
5. Seek a GAC liaison as a participant or GNSO Liaison to the GAC (Mason Cole)
6. Consider doing a survey of 2012 applicants
Agenda for next meeting:
-- Review 2007 Final Report
-- Discuss work plan
Reference documents:
Work Organization Discussion PPT