4 May 2022 - #85

4 May 2022 - #85


Members: Matthew Thomas, Barry Leiba, Greg Shatan, Jeff Schmidt, Julie Hammer, Rod Rasmussen, Warren Kumari

Apologies: James Galvin, Anne Aikman-Scalese, Jaap Akkerhuis

Observers: None.

Staff/Contractors: Matt Larson, Kathy Schnitt, Steve Sheng, Jennifer Bryce, Kinga Kowalczyk, Heather Flanagan, Casey Deccio, Danielle Rutherford 


  1. Welcome and roll call
  2. Project status and changes to any action items and decisions made
  3. ‘Approach to Measuring Name Collisions Using Online Advertisement’ (PDF attached)
  4. ‘Perspective Study’ updated measurements (PDF attached)
  5. Summary of action items and decisions
  6. AOB

Recording: https://icann.zoom.us/rec/share/yuytOmzB8ZgZeyst2XjEfHKrVNtBS3uofUD3nkJK4ZHNCMdwk2hk0lD543zwsyTb.Kvd3YocCEr2_4NmK [icann.zoom.us]

Meeting Notes: PDF
