2 February 2022 - #73

2 February 2022 - #73


Members: James Galvin, Barry Leiba, Matt Thomas, Anne Aikman-Scalese, Jim Prendergast, Rod Rasmussen, Tom Barrett, Julie Hammer, Justine Chew, Warren Kumari, Greg Shatan

Apologies: Jaap Akkerhuis, Ram Mohan

Observers: none

Staff/Contractors: Matt Larson, Kathy Schnitt, Jennifer Bryce, Steve Sheng, Corina Ferrer, Kinga Kowalczyk, Heather Flanagan, Casey Deccio


  1. Welcome and roll call | Corina
  2. Update from the Technical Investigator | Casey
  3. Project status and restatement of summary of action items and decisions made from last meeting | Jennifer
  4. Consensus of Workflow | Jim & Matt
  5. Review text from the Design Team: Section 4 of the draft Study 2 final report: Board Questions | Heather
  6. Summary of action items and decisions made | Jennifer
  7. AOB

Recording: https://icann.zoom.us/rec/share/7FayF5iqbhy-GN2XDzkWQqPMfgCsd9lwAoDll4b2Gj8p4q4Si1Q5WhAJ72cVr-UI.E0Y8jYswICbFT413

Meeting Notes: PDF
