23 March 2022 - #79

23 March 2022 - #79


Members: James Galvin, Anne Aikman-Scalese, Jeff Schmidt, Geoff Huston, Justine Chew, Suzanne Woolf, Tom Barrett, 

Apologies: Matthew Thomas

Observers: Jim Prendergast

Staff/Contractors: Matt Larson, Kathy Schnitt, Jennifer Bryce, Steve Sheng, Kinga Kowalczyk, Heather Flanagan, Casey Deccio


  1. Welcome and roll call
  2. Update from the Technical Investigator – Casey Deccio
  3. Project status and restatement of summary of action items and decisions made from last meeting – Jennifer Bryce
  4. Section 5 Analysis and Findings, subsection 1 “Controlled Interruption vs Active Collision Assessment”
  5. Summary of action items and decisions made – Jennifer
  6. AOB

Recording: https://icann.zoom.us/rec/play/Qn-I69AH49NGYNzBla5qUtQ-6cOD4_NEnRaglmuBVxq88-9gmSBKu3zh4SZ7wN-Airrsik4Dfo0Oel3O.kI4aCUaQYpXm6grj?startTime=1648062155000 

Meeting Notes: PDF

Slides:  Root Cause Analysis of ICANN Name Collisions Reports - Casey Deccio

Other: Draft Survey - DNS Suffix Usage and new gTLD Delegation