19 January 2022 - #71

19 January 2022 - #71


Members: Matthew Thomas, James Galvin, Tom Barrett, Anne Aikman-Scalese, Julie Hammer, Rod Rasmussen, Rubens Kuhl, Barry Leiba

Apologies: Warren Kumari, Jaap Akkerhuis

Observers: Jothan Frakes, Jim Prendergast

Staff/Contractors:  Kathy Schnitt, Jennifer Bryce, Steve Sheng, Matt Larson, Corina Ferrer, Heather Flanagan, Casey Deccio 


  1. Welcome and roll call
  2. Restatement of Summary of Action Items from last meeting
  3. Restatement of decisions made last meeting
  4. Review Anne’s question per 15 December email: “Is it possible that the DG should be recommending that ICANN test the system of controlled interruption we are endorsing on strings that were previously applied-for in 2012 and not delegated due to Name Collision issues?” 
  5. Consensus of Workflow 
  6. Consensus of the Data Sensitivity Analysis: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sLPrBn8T6ym7gumySHeWG9THSGSRoEeKldv3uRMMy6Y/edit 
  7. Summary of Action Items
  8. Summary of decisions made
  9. Review Text from the Design Team

Recording:  https://icann.zoom.us/rec/share/4wSBtsjvsjTfZVTSxGRhgs9jdV6ckcAkNhbmYXo5HRGfm79kh94udLzM4RMHPKCt.SrJ1dMDdNy6-eX7t

Meeting Notes: PDF